TV or CD versus TG.... possible to keep them apart?

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Big question - goes to the heart of 'our' very being... or beings! The way I look at it, it's very much in the mind from the outset. I don't think many people who start off as TVs or CDs become mysteriously drawn to become TG'd. I think they are separate - albeit different facets of gender dysphoria (to use a poncey posh word!)- I think "once a TV, always a TV, once TG, always TG......

I was born with a tendency to cross-dress. I've longed to be a 'passable' woman..... but I've never wanted to "BE" a woman. I adore women. I just couldn't imagine not dreaming of passing convincingly (even though now, at my age, I suspect I never shall).

There are many many more TVs and CDs than true TGs, I'm sure and I do believe, their pain is far greater than 'ours' Their joy, when fully transitioned may be greater, far greater, but their hell on the way is far deeper than 'our' mere embarrassment at times.

As for the question of convincing boobs......(someone asked me recently).... it's whatever makes you feel good, baby! Personally, I would never go for implants... I love silicon breast forms and would always advise that a nice pert pair of "B" cups, with nice nipples, is far far better than some gross "double D" monstrosities.

A blast from the non-existent past....

Andrea Lena's picture

....come on...sing remember the tune?

Heres TG whose been most every place - but he/she may not have a definite face

But TS might be the face we see, and sometimes and/or a nice CD

What a different pair

But they're cousins, non-identical cousins and you'll see

They're one set of different expressions

But more alike than you'd agree.


The TV might wear a dress or skirt

Or even a pair of slacks and a shirt

But a TS might not care what they wear

As long as they can be who they care

What an nice idea!

Still they're cousins; non-identical cousins you might find

They might be husbands, might be wives, have domestic partners in their lives

you might even find

That they're all transgendered, just more than one of a kind.

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

TG Umbrella

Keeping "Transgender" separate from "Crossdresser" and "Transsexual" and "Transvestite" (among other terms) is, to me, a strange concept. Kind of like saying you want to keep "American" separate from "Californian" and "Michigander" and "New Yorker" would be. The first term is an umbrella that applies to all the ones under it, so not really a separate thing.

I dunno!

I spent four years living in Maryland, while in college. This West Coast boy felt like it was a foreign country!

Mr. Ram

TG,ST,TS, who cares?

In light of some of the recent research I have read, it is all gonna disappear; the whole GBLTTGTSGIDASSYSGENDER bunch is just going to be intersexed. With what I precict will be dropping out of the chute soon, all the morality and angst surrounding it will be gone for anyone smart enought to get their spoon into their cheerios in the morning.



I have only seen 'intersexed' used to describe physical differences. It is really more useful as a social or legal description than as a rigorously scientific description.

The concept is explored quite well in the MORFS universe. ( and

Putting an "I" one one's identification documentation would be a good way to express that the person is not of the bipolar majority without being too invasive of hir privacy. Unfortunately, the "I" designation would act as a 'scarlet letter' because way too many people would consider it to be a 'pervert' designation.

If I was transitioning and presenting as female full time, I might find it advantageous to have an "I" on my driver's license, but it would be a poor second choice compared to having an "F."

The way it happened was

Don't get yourself twisted up in political bull sh-t. The way the term transgender came into existence was from Virginia Prince, originator of the Society for the Second Self, or Tri-Ess. She understood that most of her sisters were cross dressers rather than the usual psychiatric view of transvestites, and were about 90% heterosexual, not homosexual as the psychs insisted Transvestites were. So transgender was coined to sound better than transvestite, to give more dignity to the act. Her push was for het. cds. to focus on a believable presentation, and to be able to feel and see their "hobby" as an expression of a feminine side. So long as her wife lived, Virginia was a part time cd, but in her later years lived as a woman full time.

We come then to glb activism and the HRC. They wanted to subsume all that wore the clothing of the opposite "sex" into their group to help raise money and write letters in an attempt to bring more activist pressure to bear for gay rights. Most who are glb just do not have a clue about any of the people they would subsume under their "T". They equated drag artists or drag queens and homosexuals that like to wear womens clothes to have gay encounters as the same as a flavor of gay. The TS and het cds were just Gays in denial in that world view. The T in GLBT proved to be an easily lost or cast off tail, when for some unfathomable reason, religious zealots and politicians are freaked out by those of our ilk who insist on presenting female. So we were easily compromised out of bills proposed by glb and supporters in order to get more votes. HRC really got a black eye over that a few years back on the first version of ENDA, and oddly enough, wealthy white gay men are the ones who have the most trouble with the small numbers of TS in particular that they insist are subsumed under the TG umbrella.

Because most het cds are exactly that, heterosexual, and TS have a mind body mismatch that is mostly curable with a medical procedure, not so much a sexual orientation problem, I really doubt that we belong in that T portion of the GLBT. Drag artists, gender queer, and on and on maybe do. But the term transgender has been co-opted from its original definition, and it never pertained to those of us who were TS, nor did it pertain to DQ, GQ or other sexual orientation variant. Being gay, lesbian or bisexual is considered a lifestyle and sexual orientation.

Being TS is having a self identity mismatch that apparently results from genetic and hormonal imbalances during foetal development through extra lengths added to some sex determining genes (the AR gene on the female chomosome for one) and removed from others on the male chromosome string, but that research remains in it's infancy as of last year, but may thus be a type of intersex condition (also known now as a disorder of sexual development). The result is the mental self identification of one gender in the physical body of the other, in a binary sense. It is not a life style, and often enough is sufficient to cause one to end their life prematurely as the conflict becomes too great. Most of that conflict comes from a society that is largely non-accepting, and not too different from gay men in their lack of comprehension, mixing it all up in the religous righteous' need to have people to look down upon and judge to be lacking and sinful.

Being a het cder is kinda similar except that the individual's mind/body mismatch is not as severe and can be satisfied with occasional episodes of crossdressing and finding some acceptance at some level. Yeah 'Drea, maybe a kind of cousin if not more direct. There used to be a joke, "What is the difference between and cder and a TS? About 5 years", but with the net and consideration of options, that is not necessarily so now. There are a lot of TS who pass through a CDer phase in their search for their own selves, though.

For that reason I do not consider myself TG in the activist sense, and I actually feel a bit of disgust with those who want to put us there rather than trying to know and understand the difference. Those are interested in money and votes and political power. In that way, they are no different from any other political action group.

It should be pointed out that being gay or lesbian may also be a disorder of sexual development, based on genetic and population studies in several areas of the world. One set of genes with mutations that seem to be sex linked recessive (passed by the mother) can become dominant in the presence of a set passed into the male line by a mother who carries the recessive. A different genetic group is found among lesbians, and is a different group compared to gay men. There are also brain studies via fPET scans that show that lesbian brains react to non sexual stimuli in a manner like straight male brains and show similar asymmetry and volume differences in discrete areas dealing with sexual response. The same occurs for gay men, who have the same locations reacting as female brains to the stimulation.

The brains of both M2F and F2Ms most closely resemble the brains of the straight female and males they identify with in details, volume, symmetry and BSTc neuron numbers, and that is before hormone treatment. So for a TS to say they feel like they have a brain of the gender opposite their physical gender, may be more true than not.




erin's picture

I think you should label this whole reply as your take on the definition problem because you make some categorical statements that just are not agreed on by everyone. Also, you impute motives to people that I'm not sure they clearly had at the time they made the decisions you speak of.

Transgender as a word fills a need for an inclusive category, that's why it has morphed into that meaning which happened BEFORE the political use of the term in my experience. I use the abbreviation T* to avoid the politicization of transgender as a word but the word is what it is and it is understood by many people to be the umbrella term. It's the Humpty Dumpty dilemma. It would be nice if a word meant what one wanted it to mean, but instead, it means what most people think it means.

As I mentioned in another thread the LGBT alliance may not be perfect but politically, T*s are just too small a group to hope to influence legislation effectively. Like Guatemalans who don't want to be lumped into a group with El Salvadorans as Hispanic or Latino, one needs to deal with political possibles.

When segregation of blacks from whites ended in American schools, the segregation of Mexican-Americans in schools also ended. It took a little longer for Indians, in part perhaps because Indian political leaders saw their situation as being completely different from the situation of blacks.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Continuous, not discrete!

Although it is convenient for people to use an entire alphabet soup of often mutually exclusive acronyms e.g. CD, TS, TG, bi-spirit; they by no means adequately describe the full range of feelings / experiences of any one person.

Humans have a tendancy to prefer dealing with discrete information - if it's binary, so much the better. Unfortunately, for complex biological / biochemical / spiritual matters, the data itself is continuous and multi-factoral.

What do I mean? Let's take gender identity alone - i.e. what gender a person 'feels' inside. Instead of generic terms such as "Male", "Female", and "Androgynous", imagine a linear scale ranging from ultra masculine at one end to ultra feminine at the other. But rather than, say, blue fading to neutral to red, imagine the arechetypical temperature gauge, where the two extremes are overlapping triangles. But - and here's the crucial bit - people generally don't occupy a fixed spot. They almost certainly have a range of spots within the scale. But not all spots are equal, as there's also issues of frequency / duration. An occasional crossdresser may prefer to spend most of their time hovering around the masculine end of the scale, but will on occasions embrace the more feminine end.

Now you've got that concept, let's think of the other factors that are involved in issues of gender. These include:

Gender identity
Gender presentation
Gender associated behaviour

As with the commentary above, people will occupy multiple points on each of these scales. So imagine the scales as radiating in different directions from a central point - people will probably occupy a fairly amorphous 'cloud' of points somewhere in the space between the various axes. Of course, over time, the positioning of the cloud is probably subject to change.

Then we get onto partner choice. Rather than the binary M / F, imagine a cloud of attributes as described above - except that it's possible people's "partner" cloud will occupy a greater area (i.e. a more diverse set of points) than their own.

Is that complex / comprehensive enough? :)


EAFOAB Episode Summaries

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

A Cloud eh? I find that concept rather nebulous.

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

Hey Ben,

After reading this thread, I'm in a fog. All the misty ideas are not condencing into droplets to precipitate thought. That's probably a GOOD thing - because, though I hope Hope Eternal Reigns, I'd hate to RAIN on anyone's Pride Parade. If there's a silver lining to all this murkiness, it's all up in the air as far as I'm concerned. I sort of always thought my stratus was TG, now I'm in a nimbus, altus-gether cumulus-fused.

with love,


with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

An earlier edit...

...which was lost when I tried to submit in the morning downtime (9am over here) had some explanatory text next to the list - next to genotype, I said something along the lines of "XX, X0, XXY, XY etc." - since kariotype is a subset of genotype. Phenotype is your 'raw' physical appearance (i.e. in the nude, without clothes / appliances / prosthetics / make-up etc.)

I have no problem with people using labels to describe themselves (and selected others who agree the label used is a good approximation of themselves) - after all, they are a convenient shorthand (after all, you'd probably need a 500+ question quiz to accurately place yourself in the multi-factorial scale described above!) - but it's also worthwhile remembering that they can also be used as devices from which to hang stereotypes, many of which are less than positive, so to speak; so it's advisable to use care when describing a group of people by a label.

Or maybe I've over-analysing everything... :)


EAFOAB Episode Summaries

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

I'm glad...

I'm delighted that there's interest in the debate...
...........and everyone has a view that's to be respected.

I appreciate the Tri-Ess dimension and how TG became common parlance.

The more I think about my own situation, the more I feel that TG ans TS are synonymous terms...... And neither describes me at all. I did think that TV and CD were synonymous (and that both could easily describe myself.....) but I was probably wrong.

I'm happiest with hetero-CD.... that's what I am, that's what I do, that means the term "does what it says on the can" I'm also very content with the term "male lesbian", because, that too, describes how I feel, daytime and... dare I say, night-time.

I think that's why I love those stories with a gentler theme; nothing forced, nothing really involuntary. I like happy endings, mostly where a M + F couple work out how to accommodate sexual and lifestyle issues between them in ways that let them be themselves.

Oh, wouldn't it be nice if all of us could find such happiness.....

(I feel the Beach Girls coming on....!)

Wouldn't it be nice if we were younger
Then we wouldn't have had to wait so long
And wouldn't it be nice to live together
In the kind of world where we belong

You know it's gonna make it that much better
When we girls can say goodnight and stay together

Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up
In the morning when the day is new
And after having spent the day as girls together
Hold each other close the whole night through

The happy times together we'd been spending
I wish that every kiss was never ending
Oh Wouldn't it be nice

Maybe if we think and wish and hope and pray it will stay true (run, run, run)
Baby then there wouldn't be a single thing we girls couldn't do
We could stay married (we could stay married)
And we'd stay happy (then we'd stay happy)

Wouldn't it be nice (ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba)

You know it seems the more we talk about it
It only makes it worse to live without it
But lets talk about it
Oh, wouldn't it be nice

good night my baby
sleep tight my baby

good night my baby
sleep tight my baby

good night my baby
sleep tight my baby

good night my baby
sleep tight my baby

Cliche alert

It's a rainbow.
Who should give, or does give, a monkey's whatsit?
People are people.

Let's see if I have this

LibraryGeek's picture

Let's see if I have this right. Heterosexuals are people who are interested in the other sex. Homosexuals are people who like the same sex; Gays are boys who like boys, Lesbians are girls who like girls. Bi-sexuals are people who like people without regard to what sex they are. Transvestites and Crossdressers are people who are drawn to dressing/presenting as the opposite sex, while generally being heterosexual and having no desire to transition. Transsexuals are individuals who have Gender Identity Dysfunction, who perceive their mental sex to be opposite from their birth sex, who if they can will have Sexual Reassignment Surgery to transition and bring mental and physical sex in line with each other, and who may appear TV/CD due to a need to present as their mental sex. Transgender, or TG, is an umbrella term used to group TV/CD/TS together given their outward similarities in dressing/presenting as the opposite sex. And Drag Queens are an entire nother kettle of fish, in their over-the-top portrayal of the female sex.

The way I've written this it appears that TV and CD are different names for the same thing, is that so or are there actual differences? And what term would be used for "she-males", who don't want to transition yet seek treatment to develop breasts? Or bilateral hermaphrodites, a very different matter.




John Robert Mead

You forgot...

Asexuals (no sexual interest in either gender), and people who simply don't feel strong ties to any gender id at all... Both of which are me. True, we aren't officially recognized yet as far as I know, but if we were, I'm sure we'd probably get tossed into the TG umbrella as well.

Abigail Drew.

I am in the asexual cat.

WebDeb's picture

Most people are dumbfounded when you explain to them the fact you have no interest in participating in a sexual act.

My abstinence is due to the feeling of the wrongness of my equipment and to add to the confusion I am heterosexual due to my designated gender.

What a tangled web we weave.

I am in the asexual cat.

WebDeb's picture

Most people are dumbfounded when you explain to them the fact you have no interest in participating in a sexual act.

My abstinence is due to the feeling of the wrongness of my equipment and to add to the confusion I am heterosexual due to my designated gender.

What a tangled web we weave.

Those who want to be female

Okay, so exactly what do you call those who wish a complete gender change...?

The Vaginally Challenged?


Yes, the weird author with the boob fetish.

Yes, the weird author with the boob fetish.


As someone who will be getting a "complete gender change" as you say. I know for myself I would rather just be called female. While I'm not against being classified as TG. It's a label I wish I didn't have to be given. Sorry if this comes off b***chy.


Not at all

My position: female is what I am, trans etc is an affliction I have been lumbered with.

that's the way I see it too.

For those of you unfortunate enough to be born with the wrong genetic gender.

For folks like me? I guess in a way my asexuality is an affliction, but honestly, being unattached to the notion of gender feels pretty dang good to me. We really do need to coin a term for the latter, I don't think anyone ever has. Agender? LOL, that just sounds silly. Wait, didn't the author of College Girl/Sorority Boy coin a term for their main character's ability to "blend in" as either gender? I honestly felt a very strong sense of "that's me!" when reading that story, so maybe a term has been coined after all! Anyone remember what that author called it?

Abigail Drew.

I have a little Question

I have a little Question about this stuff...

what is the difference between crossdresser, transvestite and drag queen?

I really don't know, so thank you for any answers...


as far as I can tell

crossdressers and transvestites are different words for the same basic idea - hetro guys who dress up on a casual basis usually cause it turns them on. A Drag Queen is a gay male wearing over-the-top female clothes, and is a kind of performance, even if its not on the stage.

