Jillian Spears


The Sentence

Hi Jillian
I jut wanted to write and thank you for your story (The sentence) It is one I can identify with in a way as my childhood was in real life rather similar, but in a much darker way. There is one aspect that I from my own experience found slightly unrealistic and that is the degree of dissociation your subject required to maintain the two disparate personalities with body language, mannerisms, mode of speaking, etc. With the interaction between the two personas required to be so minimal to avoid discovery, in my case a childhood dissociative personality disorder became the only solution with life long consequences. I applaud you for attampting to write such a tour de force in such a conflicted and controversial area. I have written a number of short personal stories myself, but lack the courage that you obviously have to put them into the real world and expose them to the potentially cruel light of day.
Keep up the good work.
Love and Hugs Primrose