The Feminine Queendom 11

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I don't remember if you

I don't remember if you already told us or not but are the feministas in charge all around the world or just in Charlie's country.
If not then the Chinese would seemingly have an advantage because unlike Charlie's part of the world they wouldn't have suppressed the knowledge of half the population.

Suppressed knowledge

Isn’t that the point of the of the story? whether a country is led by a feministsa govt or not, half the population is being held back to a greater or lesser extent

a new space race

if they don't pick up their socks, they're gonna be in serious trouble


a new space race

if they don't pick up their socks, they're gonna be in serious trouble


Once You Know

joannebarbarella's picture

That it's possible then it's just a matter of perfecting the technology. Charlie has already done that. He is now even more valuable to the government so Colonel Wilson had better pull her horns in or she will be guilty of treason.


Charlie needs to decide if he is going to release his technology, and if he does can he use it to his advantage?


Snarfles's picture

for both Charlie and the Queendom, the Chinese haven't yet figured the most critical part of the 'anti-grav' units, namely, zero point energy. What they have figured out is the magnetics for achieving lift, but it's like trying to use a propeller to reach space... no air = no go; just like using steam to power your car... it will work, but not nearly as effectively as gasoline and internal combustion.

steam to gas

Sara Hawke's picture

Steam engines can be just as efficient as gas and even more so depending on the set up there was one engine that contained a closed system that has nearly no bad emissions. the problem was it was more complicated and gas so much easier just like electric it got pushed out of the market.

But ya time limit engaged and from the story only a few not feminista run. if any country still has equality they are quiet enough not to draw ire.

Emotion, yet peace.
Ignorance, yet knowledge.
Passion, yet serenity.
Chaos, yet harmony.
Contemplation, yet duty
Death, yet the Force.
Light with dark, I remain Balanced.


Jamie Lee's picture

That colonel has crap for brains, going after Charlie given his protected status. Plus trying to go after him on his own turff. And not understanding how he thinks. Good thing she's in medical and not tactical, she'd get people killed.

Oh goody, China has been developing anti-gravity, for a year or more. And what those suits have has been in their possession for a year. What a bunch of morons. When they learned their people lacked the skill to figure it out they should have come to Charlie sooner. And they won't let Charlie touch it? Gads...and they kicked men out of power? Monkeys do regardless of the gender.

Here is an opportunity for Charlie to grab society be the short hairs. He can act like he's working on the anti-gravity problem and then solve it with strings attached. Strings which include he owns the rights and he's forever left alone by those after his sperm. And the crazy colonel bitch.

Or, he can't figure it out.

Others have feelings too.