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  1. Gwen to Khadijah

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Some of you here knew that I was a Muslim of the non-bomb making sect, until January of this year, and had adopted the first name of K ...

    - 2012/07/07 - 8:10am - 9 comments

  2. Women with balls.

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I'm still mildly seething, sort of like a dragon with smoke coming out my nostrils, but no flames. In my time being in the world ...

    - 2012/07/17 - 7:36am - 14 comments

  3. Chrome like dead horse!

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) So, you geeks, please do not try to bully me into using some software that I can not even pronounce. I like to drive computer, but che ...

    - 2012/11/12 - 12:00pm - 13 comments

  4. 15 minute presentation.

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) OK, I need some help please? ...

    - 2012/12/09 - 5:43pm - 5 comments

  5. End Of The Myan Calendar: Bring it!

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I just get really sick of hearing about some disaster or something every few years. Now, I know people who are freakin about the Mayan ...

    - 2012/12/22 - 9:28am - 12 comments

  6. I NEED HELP! please?

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) So, astonishment of astonishments, my Son now talks to me and has opened a "Dropbox" account, and wants me to put my picies ...

    - 2012/12/27 - 6:58pm - 7 comments

  7. I am off line for a few days.

    General Audience (pg) I have to change the Organic Maple syrup in my keyboard. I took it apart and have no ...

    - 2013/02/10 - 8:24pm

  8. Seven Years to a New Body.

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I've actually been living as a woman, inside my head, since the late 80's. It wasn't about being T, it was about just b ...

    - 2013/02/15 - 2:02pm - 7 comments

  9. Fitting in where you are.

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) This is intended to be helpful and instructive with love, so I hope anyone censoring it will consider my motives first. ...

    - 2013/03/21 - 2:02pm - 7 comments

  10. IE 10 woes

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Was getting on Youtube last night when the message said I had to download IE 10. It's causing all sorts of problems.:(I know don& ...

    - 2013/03/24 - 7:22pm - 16 comments

  11. Computer issues

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Well, ever since I moved it has been a battle to get sufficient signal to get on line. I have been using the Hot Spot on my phone but ...

    - 2013/04/26 - 9:12am - 14 comments

  12. Do your breasts go away?

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) If you stop taking Estrogen do your breasts go away? ...

    - 2013/05/11 - 11:31am - 6 comments

  13. GID related to PTSD, and Borderline Personality disorder?

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) This morning I have been more calmly reading about certain diagnosisies, among them PTSD and BPD, because I have both. It is astonishi ...

    - 2013/05/17 - 11:36am - 12 comments

  14. Amygdala- A posible clue into GID?

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) As always, the "why" quest occupies a lot of my time. It is funner than suicide.:) ...

    - 2013/05/19 - 10:43pm - 9 comments

  15. GID as a Profound Delusionional State?

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) My "Girl Card" is punched. Anyone who wants to hate me for what I am about to say is quite welcome to do so. I do not claim ...

    - 2013/05/30 - 1:29pm - 12 comments

  16. Too descriptive

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Some of you know that I have been working on a very frank and blunt autobiograpy. In the initial chapters there is a character who was ...

    - 2013/06/19 - 10:36am - 11 comments

  17. Disappearing

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) While I seem to be soldiering on, life seems to be far too big for me at times and I am thinking of disappearing. BCTS seems to be the ...

    - 2013/07/18 - 8:59am - 7 comments

  18. The Daemons have returned.

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I owe my life greatly to several people here on BCTS who were strong and obstinate enough to call me on my shit years ago when I was a ...

    - 2013/07/26 - 8:46am - 10 comments

  19. The best years we can have.

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I saw a blog about De-transitioning and read the blog it referred to and the replies. Days later, it finally sinks in that while the c ...

    - 2013/11/05 - 9:35pm - 6 comments

  20. Transgender Battle in the West

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Caution:  CAUTION Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) It seems from my perspective that the battle for rights is joined in a way I have not seen before, at least in the W ...

    - 2013/11/13 - 1:08pm - 5 comments
