
Search results

  1. I'm very lucky

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I am very lucky to live in a house with animals. Like last night, I was having troubles emotionally, and laying in bed and unable to sleep when my brother and sister-in-law& ...

    - 2017/01/31 - 11:09am - 5 comments

  2. The Sweet Witch of the South is Back;-)

    Author:  Zoe Taylor Zoe Taylor's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Edit: Changed the title to be less... chaotic ♥ Ugh, like, seriously, can we NOT have another year like 2016? Ever? The Sweet Witch is back, more or less ♥ ...

    - 2017/02/01 - 3:08am - 10 comments

  3. The first step

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical With help from my sister in law, I got the first step done to getting my name change. Total cost should be about $ 200, take probably around a month from start to finish. Bu ...

    - 2017/02/01 - 3:08am - 1 comment

  4. a shortage of spoons...

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well, it wasn't a good day. I was very tired all day today, and then this afternoon at work I got the runs. Spoons... I need spoons... ...

    - 2017/01/28 - 11:26am - 2 comments

  5. Getting Better

    Author:  Wendy Jean Wendy Jean's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical To say Ihave been depressed for the last while is an understatement. Looks like My paralyzed leg has decided to work in tandom with mr good leg Evey day I wheel my wheelchair in fron ...

    - 2017/01/28 - 9:59pm - 4 comments

  6. Really, really bad day

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Not a good day. It turns out my work was not happy with me, so I am being transferred to another store further away from home and only 4 hours a day 7 days a week. Its a dam ...

    - 2017/01/27 - 8:10am - 5 comments

  7. The Big Head

    Author:  Angela Rasch Angela Rasch's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical My grandmother often warned against "getting the big head." She believed in humility and, of course, she was right. Damned if I didn't go against her sage advice-- ...

    - 2017/01/27 - 8:10am - 6 comments

  8. Good service at church today

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Had a nice service at church today. Not only did we talk about Jesus as a young boy at the temple, but after the service, we had a lecture/discussion on the subject of " ...

    - 2017/01/27 - 8:10am - 2 comments

  9. Finally!

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical FINALLY! I have my check! I think I can pay off my car, and get my name change stuff done. YAY!!!!! ...

    - 2017/01/22 - 3:14pm - 3 comments

  10. Shared tragedy

    Haylee V's blog Author:  Haylee V Caution:  CAUTION: Attempted Suicide CAUTION: Language CAUTION: Not Work-Safe CAUTION: Physical or Emotional Abuse CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault CAUTION: Referenced / Discussed Suicide CAUTION: Violence Blog About:  ...

    - 2017/01/22 - 3:14pm

  11. Why am I so weak?

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Why am I so weak? I read stories of people who went through stuff that makes my life look like a Sunday picnic and I wonder why is it that I feel like I am hanging on by my ...

    - 2017/01/21 - 1:06pm - 6 comments

  12. Memories & The Results Of Remembering----> Possible Triggers

    Author:  crazypagangurl crazypagangurl's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I woke up about three hours ago, needing to use the washroom, fairly normal for me, as I have a weak bladder. What isn't normal is what happened when I tried to go back ...

    - 2017/01/22 - 3:14pm - 10 comments

  13. One of my old writings.

    Author:  Rebecca Jane Rebecca Jane's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical In between writing chapters right now I was rereading some of my old stuff, and thought this would be worth sharing here. This was one, that a few years ago that earned me speaki ...

    - 2017/01/22 - 3:14pm - 1 comment

  14. Engaging my brain before speaking

    Author:  Wendy Jean Wendy Jean's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I had one of those DoH moments where I felt very mean My son was returning me to bed at the end of a day with mt two year old grand baby watching he took off my wig to. My mouth led ...

    - 2017/01/20 - 2:23pm - 4 comments

  15. story shout- out

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I am always reluctant to give a shout out to a particular story here. Not because there aren't fantastic stories being made, but the reverse- pointing to one story feel ...

    - 2017/01/20 - 10:46am

  16. Surgery Tommorrow:-(

    Author:  Blogger richie2's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical tommorrow I am going to have surgery on my ankle this will surgery # 5 from a break that happened in April 2014. the moral of the story is watch out fhe ladder ...

    - 2017/01/20 - 2:23pm - 5 comments

  17. Am I giving mixed signals with my on-line behavior?

    Author:  Blogger Manic Racer ManicRacer's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Internet / Software / Computers / Websites I'm getting a bit paranoid... At my work computer I had never done anything remotely girlish, as I deal with... let's sa ...

    - 2017/01/18 - 3:48pm - 9 comments

  18. More Health Problems

    Author:  Penny Lane Penny Lane's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Just a quick note. I had some facial eruptions on Monday last (9th) which I thought were due to a resident Staph. infection I have. This has gotten progressively worse during the wee ...

    - 2017/01/16 - 4:54am - 18 comments

  19. Who am I?

    Author:  Haylee V Haylee V's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical OK, so here's the question: Which of the pictures below is me? Or this one? ...

    - 2017/01/14 - 8:49am - 2 comments

  20. Apologies

    Author:  Haylee V Haylee V's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical After having watched one of my favorite anime series yet again (I My Me! Strawberry Eggs), I can really feel for Hibiki Amawa-sensei. I have a lot of sadness within me, and maybe a littl ...

    - 2017/01/13 - 10:39pm - 2 comments
