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  1. My Super Secret Life-5

    My Super Secret Life-5 Hey for those of you that’ve been reading, I’m not Sunny this is my story too. So… “Go Shane!, Go Shane!!!” My girlfriend Mai-Ling screams as I circle the jerk off Kyle Rocker yeah his name is Rocker, you know like the famous write ...

    - 2011/04/07 - 7:15pm - 16 comments

  2. FTL-1...Faster Than Life.

    FTL… Faster Than Light… Faster Than Life… It’s a saying a parable of sorts from the old days. It used to be you’d be dead and gone and your great grand kids would be the ones arriving to where you used to be heading. Then came the great invention of FTL s ...

    - 2011/04/12 - 11:31am - 64 comments

  3. Images 25

    Images 25 Chapter 25 ...

    - 2011/04/13 - 10:49am - 17 comments

  4. FTL-2...Faster Than Life.

    FTL-2... Faster Than Life. Chapter 2 I’ve never been in Suspension before…I wake in pain, not pain, pain but this hurt, my lungs aren’t happy with the change in my breathing or the adjustment to room temperature. My skin prickles with waking sensations pi ...

    - 2011/04/17 - 3:49am - 28 comments

  5. Bridges 18

    Bridges 18 Chapter 18 It’s been two days since Cass said she’d move in with me. It’s been a busy time with getting the house ready for Christmas and moving things around and tossing out more stuff or putting it my garage for storage. Brandon and Ryan, Ste ...

    - 2011/12/09 - 12:01pm - 25 comments

  6. Sands of Life-2 The Conclusion?

    Sands of Life-2 Chapter 2 Present day…. My head snaps back as the gloved fist lashes out catching me on the right cheekbone. My head snaps back into the stripped box spring mounted on the wall like a torture rack. “Fucking A-Rab witch! You’re going to bur ...

    - 2011/07/13 - 7:46pm - 14 comments

  7. Evanescence 14

    Evanescence 14 Chapter 14 I relaxed for a bit while mom was still recovering from everything that happened. I close my eyes and kind of drift and review everything that had happened. The Fae, this Kelpie by the name of Shea had come here apparently after ...

    - 2011/06/05 - 5:07am - 13 comments

  8. Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-3

    Don’t Blame Me…I’m A Martian-3 Chapter 3 I’m in here way too long. Three days, I’m in here and they’ve run every test they can think of at the moment for their “Doctor-Like” interest. They don’t have a clue as to why I’m the way I am past the whole chime ...

    - 2011/05/06 - 7:36pm - 25 comments

  9. Snakes and Ladders-11

    Snakes and Ladders-11 Chapter 11 Raw naked fear and heart thumping adrenaline. I guess kind of is a good grasp of just the feeling that seeing the three hundred or so yards of ancient or twisted forest just exploding into chunks, splinters, sawdust and fi ...

    - 2011/05/14 - 11:18am - 10 comments

  10. Bad Moon Rising-3.

    Bad Moon Rising-3 Part 3 Stevie’s part: It’s a really bad scene here in this back trail hillbilly biker bar. Most of the scum are being questioned and dealt with. I do the questioning. I’m getting good at using my majik to refine my wolf senses to detect ...

    - 2011/06/07 - 10:35am - 15 comments

  11. Don't Blame Me I'm A Martian-4

    Don’t Blame Me I’m A Martian-4 Chapter 4 Three days later and I’m back at the shore with my family and I haven’t really been out around town since my first day back. That was fun. I was on one of the cottage bikes a no speed ancient thing when Ricky Conwa ...

    - 2011/06/08 - 8:31pm - 21 comments

  12. Evanescence 15

    Evanescence-15 Chapter 15 *Alecia… I leave the hospital a bit reluctantly at first heading out into the morning sunshine and not bursting into flames was…its bad fiction really, it is the re-souled vampire or Vampyre I guess according to THE GODDESS seein ...

    - 2011/06/09 - 1:53pm - 15 comments

  13. Encrypted-4

    Encrypted-4 Chapter 4 I watch Brandy doing the dishes and I get up to help her. There’s a lot of my things here now too and she opens up every cupboard and we sort things. It doesn’t sound important but this is hugely soothing to me. This wasn’t my home, ...

    - 2012/01/28 - 4:17pm - 13 comments

  14. My Super Secret Life-6.

    My Super Secret Life-6 Chapter 6 *Shane…Shayne’s part: Fucking Kimono… I get up and shake off the shock and grab the skirts of it and I try to run. One of the cops catches up to me and grabs me. I tuck into him and throw him over my shoulder and run in an ...

    - 2011/07/20 - 5:54pm - 18 comments

  15. FTL-3...Faster Than Life.

    FTL-3 Faster Than Life. Chapter 3 “Get up cadet! Get you’re butt moving! You’ve got to be faster than that! If this was combat you’d already be dead by now! A class three venting would have taken you out! Class three venting what’s that cadet Stone?!” ...

    - 2011/11/26 - 5:01am - 10 comments

  16. Images 26

    Images 26 Chapter 26 I wake up with this ow feeling in my groin. Not a big ow since my surgery was a week ago but still and ow nonetheless. The operation went well pretty much It was actually a day surgery procedure there at the same hospital as Taylor wa ...

    - 2011/07/19 - 12:06pm - 7 comments

  17. Charlie...1

    Charlie. Not Chuck, never Chuck, not Chucky Not Charles in Charge either and definitely, definitely not Charlotte. I’ve hated being Charlotte ever since I was four, yeah four when my cousins showed me what I’d never have. How he was better than me because ...

    - 2012/01/28 - 4:17pm - 34 comments

  18. Bridges 19

    Bridges 19 Chapter 19 ...

    - 2011/06/28 - 9:40am - 13 comments

  19. Images 27

    Images 27 Chapter 27 “Ugnh!” Is the first thing out of my mouth and I’ve no idea how I’m not swearing. I hurt in about six or seven spots and there’s this smell on me. There’s kids and a few parents panicking and I hear dad. “Jenna!, Jenna! Are you alrig ...

    - 2011/06/28 - 1:45pm - 25 comments

  20. Snakes and Ladders-12

    Snakes and Ladders-12 Chapter 12 *Harrow… He stared at the battlefield anger simmered through his veins. The minions of Dorian The Pretender had been saved by the turn coat Shaya. Illian had been a knight of great skill under the rightful King Lyam and to ...

    - 2011/07/03 - 9:09pm - 29 comments
