Brianna Ghey, Teenage Trans Girl

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Ms Chambers pointed me to the murder of this beautiful girl. As usual, i had to research it. I strongly suggest everyone read this from beginning to end even if one doesn't live in England. There is a whole lot of what is right and a lot of what is wrong with everyday aspects and the legals involved for transgender.
Knowledge is strength. Understanding comes from knowledge. Thank you Gillian
Humans are the only creatures who get pleasure from another's pain, even death.




I followed the trial, and wrote about it officially. I was at one point physically sick when the details of the killing came out.

What is not mentioned in that article is the tsunami of online abuse that her family received,

My piece covered trans woman Alice Litman (suicide at 20), trans man Corei Hall (suicide at 14) and Brianna. All three families received abuse in large quantities. When Corei's mother announced his death on Twitter, someone posted 'community notes' saying that suicide of young LGBT people was almost always because of sexual abuse, usually by the family.

The most common comment was variations of "You killed your mentally ill son (daughter for Corei)". One particularly nasty one was "Buy some rope"

The Hate Mail advertised an "exciting" podcast of Brianna's trial. The Times quoted far-right activist Harry Miller using the 'mentally-ill boy trope.

The virulently transphobic website Mumsnet was full of posts written as awkwardly as possible so as to avoid using 'she' or 'girl'.

Please understand when I leave it here. I have a lot more I could write, but it would become rather angry, and very foul in language.

The Masses are Sheep

BarbieLee's picture

Hitler, Pol Pot , and so many others understood the kinetics of engaging the masses so they followed blindly. As transgender we are a tiny voice in a rally of thousands. The TV, the movies, the newspapers, the tabloids, even the politicians and medical professionals inform the masses what to think and believe about transgender. Someone claims they are trans and rapes and kills women. Front page news along with five o'clock news. A trans abducts kids. Yes we made the news and tabloids..., again. Get the feeling we are Don Quixote tilting at windmills?
Maybe what we are doing will make a difference to a few today, a whole lot more tomorrow. I will be dead and gone before society understands what trans is and as important what we aren't. We planted the seed of knowledge and understanding. Let's pray it takes root and spreads.
Hugs Steph C, hang tuff girl.
When I finally understood everything, I realized I knew nothing.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


Being British, I have read so much in the news about this terribly sad case. Brianna was clearly a very beautiful girl, and for her to be so brutally murdered simply because of who and what she was is utterly tragic.

It seems that the two young people who committed this crime are what I would describe as pure evil, and if it wasn’t Brianna they murdered, it would have been somebody else, they simply used her transgendered status as an excuse for their violence. Sadly, I suspect that they are a product of their generation, as the younger generation does not seem to really comprehend the far reaching effects of such violence, possibly caused by violent video games, violent movies, gang culture etc etc etc. none of that was really “a thing” when I grew up in the 70s.

I feel so, so sad for the loss of this beautiful girl, and my heart goes out to her, her family and her friends.

I disagree

There is an awful lot in the exchanges that demonstrate the opposite, the most telling of which is "I want to see if it screams like a man or a girl".

There Are Always

joannebarbarella's picture

The sick and vicious amongst us.
I don't remember the names but there were two ten year-olds in England 25/30 years ago who brutally murdered a two-year-old boy.

When I was in Hong Kong in the early 1980s a gang of young Chinese lads beat to death an English girl and boy of about 15 who were having a cuddle in the heather behind where I lived. I knew the parents and to say they were devastated doesn't even begin to cover it. The local Chinese community turned in the perpetrators very quickly as they were equally appalled.

The only difference now is the insidious influence of the so-called "social media". But there will always be the depraved among us.

Jamie Bulger case

I can remember one name, Steven Venables. It was well before social media, and the press still chase the two killers.

One difference between Jamie's death and Brianna's is that the victim wasn't blamed for his own death in the case of Jamie..