Only Eight Days Left for Kudos Votes for Eureka!

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"Okay." Sheriff Jack Carter said to the tourists gathered in Henry's office in his Kira Knight morph, as he threatened them with his sidearms. "Are you gonna vote for Bobbi's story, 'Eureka: The Day’s Not Over, Yet,' or am I gonna have to get rough?"

"What's the problem, Sheriff?" someone asked. Nobody took Jack's gun-waving seriously. After all, Sheriff Carter wouldn't hurt a fly.

“The deadline to count Kudos votes is February 28 already," Jack said, "and that means there are only eight days left to click that button! And we need more clicks in order for the story to even place in the Reader Retention Contest!"

"But we already did, Sheriff," someone from the back said.

Jack sighed. “I know. And thanks for that. But we need more! Look - for those who haven't yet, here's the story's organizer page so you can start reading the story. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, and if you feel like it, click that button!!!

( )

"Sure thing, beautiful!" someone hidden in the back replied.

"Who said that!" Jack said, and clicked the safeties off.


Lots of graphics in Bobbi's posts use publicly-accessible pics from the net (the collage above includes pictures from the SyFy TV show, Eureka and other pictures): No ownership is claimed for these pics nor IP infringements intended