Here goes nothing...

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I've said repeatedly over the past few months that I'm not an author, and I doubted I'd ever be one.
Yet somehow, after not writing a word of fiction since High School (~1993), my mind has evidently decided that's long enough.

It started about a week ago, after I'd read an FF story. Somehow the process of thinking of how the protagonist could have extracted himself from the situation created a germ of an idea for a subversion of the genre, which has been milling around in my head ever since. Needless to say, when I opened up gedit yesterday to try and 'do something' with the idea, I found it's harder to translate an idea into words than I thought!

I predicted it would only be a drabble, but somehow the main story has turned into over 1,300 words. And there's not a single mention of "bedroom antics" (now is that a further subversion of the genre or what?!), but there is a "trendy wine bar" called, appropriately enough, "The Old Bank" (I'm surprised no-one's uploaded that ad campaign to YouTube...)


Uh oh. It seems as though a muse might have forced itself on me. I've now written a 700 word genie encounter...


So, any editors out there willing to cast their critical eye on these two stories (including rephrasing any illogical dialogue or pointing out mile wide plot holes) before I release them to an unsuspecting world?


We have one of them you know...

We had a trendy wine bar called 'The old bank' in town, which funnily enough, used to be a bank! I know what you mean about the writing, sometimes a simple idea incurs many words and a more complex one, less.

- Jay

Come release the inner twaddle: My blog =>

That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => <= note new address