Amethyst's blog


So, things have kind of sucked for me and Martin. Things sucked financially before Covid, but the quarantine killed our one small source of income. Martin got offered a good paying government job and was supposed to be getting training for it, but it seems like s/he keeps getting the runaround about when that training will start after making inquiries at every level ad nauseum for almost a month. So things were looking up oh so briefly, but now seem even more frustrating and our financial situation worse than before when we were living on $70 a week.


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NO MSPD this weekend

Hey everyone,

Sorry about this, but there won't be a chapter of My Super-Powered Diary this weekend. I've been trying to work on it, and tried to get it ready for yesterday, but between feeling under the weather earlier this week, being really busy, not sleeping again, and my brain being in a fog all week due to another issue, I just haven't been able to get anything written, well not anything fit for posting anyway. Hopefully I'll be able to summon the spoons to at least get Apocalypse Dawn posted on Tuesday, but we'll see how that goes.

*big hugs*



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No story chapters this week

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note here to let you all know that I probably won't be posting much of anything this week, if indeed anything at all. The last week and a half has been pretty rough. My PTSD, anxiety, and depression have been in high gear and playing around with my head and heart like a soccer ball, and I haven't been sleeping due to the insomnia and nightmares. This was making it hard enough to focus on writing anything, but now I've caught a cold and it's making it impossible to get anything done.


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Twice delayed

Hey everyone,

Due to a power outage yesterday that cost me a lot of progress, and some issues getting the chapter to feel right,the new chapter of Twice Removed won't be finished today. I will try for tomorrow, but depending on how well it goes, it may be delayed to next week. Sorry about this, but the power outage really threw off my writing groove. :(

*big hugs to all*



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April Fools

For all of you who read today's chapter of I Wish, thank you so much for reading my work, I love you all.

That being said I pulled a small April Fools joke, by omitting the last paragraph of the chapter. It's there now though if anyone wants to see how it really ends and read the April fools comment I posted at the end.

Here's hoping you can all take a joke, but I'm going to hide from rotten foodstuffs, just in case.

*big hugs to you all*



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Sorry to do this

I'm very sorry to have to do this everyone, but I don't think I'll be able to post any story chapters this week. I've spent the last two days so sick that I haven't even been able to get out of bed. I still feel horrible and I don't think that I would be able to write anything worth reading at this point.

Sorry again


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No Twice Removed today

Hey everyone,

I'm sorry to say there will be no Twice Removed this week. The past few days have just been too busy and my muse left me hanging halfway through the chapter so I'll need more time to finish it. Apparently my muse want to work on Hypererse stuff right now, so I'm going to be working on fleshing things out for the last chapter of Syryn's Song and on the finishing the next chapter of MSPD while I let how I want events on Unity to go percolate in the back of my mind.

Back to work now.

*big hugs to all of my friends, family, and fans*


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Contest & weekly schedule

Hey everyone,

Just a quick reminder to those entering the Leap of Faith story contest that entries must be posted by 11:59 pm EST on February 29th.

Also, due to continuous problems sleeping I have been a bit slower than usual on my weekly schedule. I apologize for that and am trying to by best to keep on schedule as much as possible. That being said, there will be a bit of a delay on Syryn's Song, since there's a lot of details I need to work out and it will not only be the final chapter, but the epilogue as well.

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No TR this week :(

My apologies to all of my readers who were looking forward to Twice Removed this week, but circumstances have made it so I can't post it this week. I've been unexpectedly busy the last few days and haven't really had the time to finish the chapter. Add to that the fact that I've been having trouble sleeping again the past 2 nights and well, I could push to finish it for today, but doing so would be a rush job and not up to my usual standards.


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Hey everyone,

Good news today. I am now officially off antibiotics and bedrest. I can breathe again, the cough seems to be gone, I'm not exhausted all the time, and my lungs and airways both sound good. So I can now get back to writing rather than spending most of my time in bed doing nothing but driving myself slowly crazy with boredom. I'm hoping that next week I'll be able to get back into my regular posting schedule, or at least close to it, though I am still trying to take it easy as I do that so I'm not getting sick again.

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Okay so I've had a shitty month. First I had a friend die, then five family members in a fire right on the heels of that, and last week I found out about another death in the family. Combine all those emotional blows with the busy holidays, catching a cold, not being on my meds, me working hard to make sure everyone else was having a happy holiday while my own sucked, and people coming out of the woodwork and going out of their way to make me feel like shit... well the inevitable happened.


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Thank you

I just want to take a quick moment to thank everyone for their well wishes, condolences and warm thoughts since my recent losses. It means a lot to know that I have so many supportive readers, friends, and family here on BCTS. I'm still feeling the pain and loss, but it's not as raw and everpresent now as it was at first and I've been feeling more myself in the past day or two.

*thanks again and big hugs to all of you*



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Terrible Day

I wasn't sure if I should post this, but I've been fighting off dark thoughts since last night. I've been trying to make myself reply to messages and comments like I usually do today, but my heart and mind just haven't been in it. I got home from our friend's funeral, and dinner afterwards last night, already upset and drained emotionally. I made myself send my mom an email because it was her birthday and then gmail decided to show me an email I should have gotten on Friday. My uncle aunt, and three cousins, all under the age of 6, died in a house fire.


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Okay, so I'm sitting here waiting to leave for the funeral. We don't leave for another hour or so yet, but I've been ready and sitting and trying to shove the anxiety and all the other emotions aside for over an hour already. I haven't slept properly in days again and I'm just kind of a wreck. I was also worried sick about Dottie yesterday after her accident. I could be filling this time with writing or focussing on other things, but I'm just too physically and emotionally drained right now.


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Twice Removed issues

This is just a note to let everyone know that there will again be no Twice Removed this week. I've been trying to get the new chapter done, writing and rewriting several times but it just doesn't feel right and since the story will be coming to a climax soonish I don't want to rush it by putting out something I'm not happy with. My muse has been going crazy on MSPD and I Wish lately but she's kind of being a bitch where Twice Removed is concerned.

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Hyperverse timeline

A lot of people wonder what order the various Hyperverse stories happen in and while most of the stories are meant to be standalone there is a general timeline. I will be posting this timeline to the Hyperverse main page and updating it as new stories are added. These are in order from the earliest chronological point in the stories.

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Hey everyone.

I'm afraid that I probably won't be putting out chapers of Twice Removed or Syryn's Song this week. I have the toothache from hell right now, it's been going for the past few days and it's causing so much pain that I can hardly see straight, so concentrating on writing had been problematic at best. I already have chapters of I Wish and MSPD ready to go, so they won't be affected, but this has really cut into my concentration for working on much of anything at the moment.


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Just not my week

Sorry about my lack of posting this week and the fact that I likely will have to put off posting new chapters of both Twice Removed and Syryn's Song until next week. This week has just been extremely busy and I'm just sooo exhausted right now and lack of sleep due to nightmares and insomnia hasn't been helping. I haven't had time to write anything, and I barely even had time to post the latest chapter of I Wish. Then on top of my laptop dying earlier this week, my mouse died yesterday for the desktop and I had to find a replacement, killing what time I did have for writing. :(

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Trouble again... and a poll

Okay, so despite the Halloween wind storm causing us a power outage that lasted a day and a half, I was trying really hard to finish the new chapter of Syryn's Song for today, but unfortunately events conspired against me. We had anouther short outage today while I was trying to work that resulted in both lost progress and the final death of the laptop I use for back ups, writing while not chained to the desktop, and various other purposes.

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So I've been having a bit of trouble this week getting the new chapter of Twice Removed to feel right. The words just didn't want to come to me, as sometimes happens when I'm not on my meds and writing. So some of the girls in chat suggested that I try taking my mind off it by writing something short and silly. Since Dottie is the queen of short and silly I naturally took my inspiration from her. I don't think I'll have Twice Removed ready for this week, altough it is coming easier now that I got my mind off it for a bit. So instead I'm posting a little halloween treat.

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Feeling better

Hey everyone,

Just a quick note to let you all know that I'm finally starting to feel better, I'm merely down to sniffling, coughing and a bit of sinus congestion. So still a bit under the weather, but a far cry better than I was doing at the beginning of the week. I'm hoping that I can be somewhat back on schedule by Wednesday now that my head is somewhat clearer and I can think again, or at the very least manage a chapter of I Wish.

Anyway thanks to everyone for your warm thoughts and patience and I hope to be back in full swing soon.

*big hugs*


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