Delays in Mother's Child

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I've had a rough week. I woke up Monday feeling poorly. Later that day, I fell down the steps to my apartment twice. My knees just turned to jello. My legs have been so weak that I couldn't stand up from a chair without using my arms. I'm stumbling on level ground. My mind feels like I'm drugged. My hands are shaking such that I can barely write this.

Yesterday, I saw the doctor who wants to test me for MS. I am going in for a brain MRI the 27th. Some Christmas present, eh!

I seem to be slowly recovering from this episode, but as you can imagine this is slowing my ability to write. I will get the next chapter out as soon as I'm able.



Take care of yourself

Your readers (I for one) will still be here when you're feeling better. I hope they figure out what wrong and help you. The not knowing is the worst thing in my experience having had a couple of recent scares of my own.

