I ask this every time we come up to another hundred.

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Given the response previously, I presume you want to keep reading Bike for a bit longer. If so, I'll keep writing it for a bit longer.



A flash of normalicy

Despite the occasional shooting of a spy, most of Cathy's life is a close approach to normal, and uplifting to many of us.


Ya Ya

Keep on truckin...........

Thank you,Angharad,

Definitely ,no need to ask :)What else could I have with breakfast?


Daily Dormouse


I eagerly await my Daily Dormouse, daily! That's from the Department of Redundancy Department. I figure that you should begin to taper off around Chapter 5000 ...or so. :-)

Red MacDonald

I ain't all caught up an' all

Sav Sara's picture

... but I'm doing my best.
I enjoy it.
And like it seems all the rest of us, we don't want it to stop.
If y'all do decide to stop, I do so hope that most of the loose ends will be tightened?


I love your story and seek it

I love your story and seek it out daily. Please continue it on for as long as your fingers can tap a keyboard or touchscreen.

The only thing that has ever irked me about the story is that you have kept the girls the same age for three years- poor Trish, Livvie, Meems, and Danni are stuck at a perpetual 10, 11, and 14 seemingly forever!

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime


Dahlia's picture

As always, in as simple a way as possible, I'll place my vote for more, please!!



I will keep reading as long as you keep writing, not sure if that is a good answer or not, but that's my answer.

Jeri Elaine

Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.


littlerocksilver's picture

Time will tell; however, you have brought closure for several characters like Julie and Penelope. Each character should be allowed to reach some point of independence and self actualization. I would guess that Danni is next. She will become a strong, independent woman who will find her life partner. As I've said to you before, she will succeed in the football world, win a world championship or Olympic medal, and go on to coach at a university. Trish will develop controlled fusion, get the Nobel Prize and be among the first to colonize Mars. Meems will become a world famous actress. She will never overcome her speech impairment except when in role. She will, when asked, state that she's just acting the role of someone without a speech defect. The others will develop normally and go on to lead productive lives. Something that will never be explained is that Danni and Trish will become fully functioning females. Danni will have several children with her beloved and Trish will marry the son of the PM. She will insist she doesn't have time for children but will go into labor shortly after receiving the Nobel Prize for Physics (her second by the way). When that's done, Cathy and Angharad may rest.


Darn.. Now you've ruined the

Darn.. Now you've ruined the surprise. Are you deliberately undercutting Ang's efforts? There's at least a small thousand episodes in the pipeline before we've even come to as little as half of what you now let out before time.

Don't listen to her Angharad, she is just blabbering nonsense, we'll forget what she just wrote and be appropriately surprised and impressed when you come to these fine facts of the future. Keep on spinning your yarn, and if you really need the encouragement and incentive each new hundred, we'll give it. Wholeheartedly and with affection and praise.

Thanks in advance,

But what about Jacqui and

But what about Jacqui and Sammi? Don't they get happy endings? :(

Poor Jacqui, guess she is the one daughter that stays by her mom's side after Lizzie goes off to university to take over hr mom's research into the upsurge in dormouse population after Cathy gets her son-in-law to outlaw all killing of endangered animals with immediate prison sentences and heavy, crippling fines.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Ah well blame Cathy's mom for

Ah well blame Cathy's mom for telling her she'd have such a large family! Of course those two are the two that we hear the least about among the older children :)

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Carry on, Ang, carry on. I

Carry on, Ang, carry on. I still look forward to a bit of Bike.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Why the question?

I just wanted to read Bike. I didn't expect...

[I think you know the rest. Simon surely does.]

As I am not yet halfway through.

I couldn't possibly comment on you writing even more episodes. But the fact that I am, coming up from the first one, seems to indicate that I do like these stories.
So please do continue.

Anne Margarete

Definition of Insanity?

Isn't there a definition of insanity "Asking the same question every 100 chapters and expecting a different answer"?

Or to paraphrase a famous movie line "If you write it, we will read."

As always my answer is if you are happy to continue writing, I'll continue reading.

Michelle B

Keep the Bike rolling

Greetings Angharad

Please continue writing the saga and any other stories you can manage, they are all greatly appreciated.


Please write new stories and finish you incomplete series.


Wendy Jean's picture

I enjoy the series. It is something I look forward to each and every day. We have a plethora of new authors and stories on BCTS, to many for me to read and keep up with. With Bike there is a consistency I find I need and definitely enjoy. I may not be in the mood for every writer, but I am always in the mood for Bike.

It's An Epidemic

joannebarbarella's picture

That dreaded Bike Virus and it's incurable! Once infected you can never get rid of it. The only remedy is more and more and more on a daily basis for ever and ever.

Of course you should keep going.

The never ending story !

I truly hope you read all these comments Ang. You may be in semi-retirement professionally, but even when you return to
online college, us addicts need our dorbike fix. It was nice to see the blue-light lady help that little girl who was with Beverly.





Please keep writing. I confess I haven't caught up to the present yet as you write the chapters almost as fast as I read them, but I'm still enjoying the story. Have you considered going for an entry in the Guiness Book of Records?
