A story in Harper's Bazaar about celebrities meeting the Queen has a bit of a ruction going on Facebook. I've been around the world a bit and see no harm in respecting the culture of another country. If I went to Saudi Arabia, you can bet I would wear Niqab. If I went to the Jungles of South America, I am not sure I would run around in a few leaves, but not out of disrespect. If I went to Japan, I would try to find out about their usual greeting, and bow and say hai as is proper.
I am surprised that the Curtsey to the Queen is so divisive, especially amongst those from the UK. To me, it would be a natural thing though it is well established amongst those who know me, that I am a submissive of the 11th order. EXCEPT, when I'm not. In my rather casual study of the history of that area of the world, it looks like the English pretty much forced Scotland, Wales, and Ireland to knuckle under for a long time. There is a Welsh woman who talks to me about UK history from time to time and it seems as though "Game of Thrones" is mild by comparison.
Americans think they are such a bunch of tough basterds but they really don't have a clue do they? Sure they went around slaughtering the Native Americans with disease and superior weapons, but where is the glory in that?
I am confused about the emotional response of some to the curtsey.
I heard
I heard there is even a dress-code for meeting the Queen.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Not taking my Hijab off
Nope, uh uh, not a chance. My brother and I are taking a trip out through Oregon and Nevada semi desert, so I thought I might not Hijab. Then he suggested we might not be safe. That tears it, I am wearing Hijab.
It's actually true and in and out of country no less. This is just a press release for the people who are working at an official visit, never mind what they are making regular people wear just to "keep up appearances" because heaven forbid someone normal be seen looking like a normal person in photo shoots.
Outside the country unless it's inside their embassy that's insulting and idiotic to require them to be dressed up. They should be blending into the background, not standing out. But I guess it's easier for the protection people to spot who is a reporter or working photographer without actually saying it.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Not Different in America Perhaps
in 2014, I believe our own President was here in downtown Portland, Oregon, USA. I rode past where he was and the police told me I would never get near enough to see him unless I had a special pass. It seems as though everything was carefully orchestrated. Of course American Presidents have a habit of getting shot.
It is doubtful that William and Kate would be any more safe.
And bear in mind I have no great respect for the so called upper classes, their position is mostly accident of birth, I would be embarrassed beyond hell to not be tidily turned out if the opportunity to meet the Queen occured.
You don't have to like the 'system' to respect common courtesies. I see no problem in expecting members of the official entourage to be turned out smartly - they are representing the country just as much, if not more than the Monarch et al. Around the world the UK is respected in part, due to these protocols and we are aped by many wishing to promote themselves. Outside of public life even the Queen meets people in jeans!
I have met a few high ranking members of the establishment and to be honest they were perfectly nice to me. I have no desire to join those ranks but I don't worry about its existence. So if protocol requires a curtsy, bow or standing on one leg i'll try to comply.
Madeline Anafrid Bell