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As most of you know I was forced to have surgery on my back summer before last. I was told it was surgery or learn to use a wheelchair and become dependent on narcotics, (pain killers that didn't work very well, and they were giving me some really strong ones.)

Well the surgery went well, I am out of pain (mostly), the boot that came down once that was over was the fact that they had no one at work that could do my job. Don't get me wrong I give praise to the ones that tried to fill my shoes while I was gone, but the problem was that only a couple tried while the majority sat back and did the bare minimum that they normally do. So I have spent the last year or more trying to catch up the things that were not done, while keeping up with the day to day crap.

If that was not enough, my 9 year old's PC crashed last Saturday. Now while I don't feel this was a huge thing as it was an old Dell tower that I refurbished, to her it was a major catastrophe because she could not watch super girl on Netflix. (of course she could watch it just as well on her nexus 7 tablet or her chromebook but I was being a big meanie making her watch it on a small screen). I do have a thin client solution that was given to me to play with by the manufacturer to play with that I thought about using for her PC and to add to the two TVs in the house that I was seriously considered using when my own PC rolls over and plays dead.

Now me, who has to always has to play with cutting edge technology has a system that is a bit unusual in that there are not many motherboard that have DDR3 memory and a socket 775 CPU. Finding new replacement parts was impossible unless you're willing to pay $750 for a motherboard, (yes that was the price for an unused new replacement of the same exact board I had...I only paid $300 when it was new).

So I spent all day yesterday installing new parts into my tower, which only took a couple of hours. Then the fun of trying to make everything work without reformatting and reloading everything from scratch. Now that is done I have to wonder if it would not have been easier to just reload everything from scratch...LOL.

Now I am sure some of you are thinking I lost my stories or the plots... Not just no but HELL NO, I lost nothing but time. I have everything saved to portable drives and multiple internal drives so that any one drive failing I will not lose my writing.

I would like to take the time here to say, GO BUY A PORTABLE HARD DRIVE NOW! I use EaseUS to back up my important files every night, its a free programs, get it now!

So I didn't lose anything, Super solider will continue as I have time to write it, as will the other two stories I have posted so far :)

The 9 year old is happy (for now) since I installed a chromecast on my bedroom TV and she can watch supergirl on Netflix, although she does tend to come try to steal my phone quite often now even though I installed the app on her tablet too.

With the cost of repair for a 10+ year old computer, I felt it money best spent to upgrade so I am now sitting on a much lower bank account but another cutting edge system that hopefully will last 10+ years like the last one did.

The good side of this catastrophe is that after being forced to reorganized everything I found some other stories I had completely forgotten about that I will start sharing.


The good news is in a couple

The good news is in a couple of years she will be too busy with schoolwork on her computer and with friends to fiddle with the computer. The bad news is by that time it likely will have seen technology surpass the computer's current limits making it obsolete...ah the wonders of technological innovation(not!)

And I know this feeling all too well, my niece is obsessed with Youtube Minecraft videos and has gone so far as to exchange a practically new(ish) iPad with her brother rather than have to spend an hour or more finding the videos she saved...

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

being the youngest of 5

My 9 year old is the youngest of 5 girls, the next oldest is 23. So she is much like an only child in everything, yes she knows she has siblings and plays with her nieces who are around her own age. I think she gets a kick out of telling people the 8 year old that everyone mistakes for her sister is her niece. It's amazing how much they look alike. She has 4 nieces her age or younger and one nephew 1 year older and 3 nephews much older and one niece much older (the latter 3 in high school now), although my family lives all over so she has only met two sisters and 4 nieces. Funny part is the two she gets to interact with the most live the furthest away.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

Pick up acheap 218G

Wendy Jean's picture

Thunb drive MicroCenter$28and make backups cheapIts what I do.Iajso bought a bew1TB drive for$40 for my usedDell