Had a scare on my morning walk

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While out walking the dog this morning, I experienced very sharp, quick, electric shock-type pain from under my left ribs shooting up my chest and down my left arm, twice. I had similar sharp pains for briefer times more localized in my side last night before I went to bed.

Okay then. I'll be 70 on Sunday and at my age, pain in the chest and left arm immediately suggests one thing.

I did some research. I currently am suffering from viral sinusitis and last week I had a cold sore flare-up. Both of those things can be the cause of exactly the sort of pain I experienced and in fact, other than injury, the cold sore is rated the most likely cause of such pain. No nausea, no cramping, no feeling of pressure, weakness or doom. Good news, sort of.

I still should go see a doctor, which I will try to arrange today or tomorrow.

Hugs to all,


Do not pass go. Do not

Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Go directly to the Emergency Room or call 911 (or whatever you call where you live.) No joke!

I concur

Daniela Wolfe's picture

It may be just a symptom of the cold sore and it may not. Please seek medical attention ASAP!

Have delightfully devious day,

I'm fine

erin's picture

No heart involvement after visit to Urgent Care. Diagnosis, shingles or stomach virus. Shingles not as likely because no visible rash. So, not sick enough for medication. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Glad to hear it!

Daniela Wolfe's picture

Glad to hear it's probably not shingles. Haven't had them myself, but I know some people who have and they sound horrible.

Do keep an eye out for them though, I've been told sometimes the pain from them can start before the rash appears.

Have delightfully devious day,

Don't make any RASH decisions

Andrea Lena's picture

Both Mrs. D and one of her sisters were beset with rare shingles without rash. Not probable, but possible. Either way I do pray your discomfort ends quickly. Gabapentin was prescribed when I had shingles two years ago. The rash hasn't returned, but I still get a flare-up of pain on occasion/


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Good Idea

Confirming anything sudden is always a good idea Erin. It is always better to be safe than the alternative.
Best wishes from all of us here.. (besides we are too busy living to worry to much about what is beyond control)

The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend


Glad to hear you are still kicking. FYI. A non-live virus shingles shot is available now.

Something to keep in mind is

Something to keep in mind is that those under the age of 20-30 may not have to worry about it. Shingles is a breakout of the chicken pox virus. If you haven't had chicken pox, you don't get shingles. Now that they have a chicken pox vaccine, those who have been vaccinated against it should not have that future issue. (Varicella vaccine)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Age Reco's

CDC reco age for Shingrex is 50 and over.

Yes - those who did not ever

Yes - those who did not ever get a chicken pox vaccine, but rather, like myself and others, were exposed to it deliberately when young.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Chicken Pox

Pretty hard to know IF you had chicken pox or not. You can "have" chicken pox without having symptoms.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Um, Happy Birthday.

There must be something going round, and I hope it runs away.

Get well


GO. TO. THE. ER. by ambulance

GO. TO. THE. ER. by ambulance. Let the EMT crew make a pre-determination as they can via their equipment. Then let the ER doctors determine what you may or may not have. Much much safer this way, even though it does take a little of your time and effort to do so. Another thing that can make a person belief they are having a heart attack and it can even fool medical personnel is if you wind up with a major Potassium imbalance. I spent three days in an ICU before they figured that one out. Just saying.
Hugs, Janice L.