The plan

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Okay folks,

Since I've been back I've been working on some story chapters, but given that I don't have the time I once did I can't guarantee continuing all of my ongoing story-lines at the same time. The decision I've come to is that I will focus on Twice Removed, Syryn's Song, and I Wish first, on a weekly schedule, with the occassional chapters of other stories, Hyperverse stories, or other writing whenever my muse decides to push me in those areas. As I finish up story lines I will start to add Alex in Wonderland, Raven's Blood, and Winter's Child into the schedule.

Syryn's Song has longer chapters, but if I post on a weekly basis I believe that it will be complete within the next month or two. I will be posting chapters for it on Sundays and, since the new chapter is ready to go, you can expect to see it posted sometime today. I Wish and Twice Removed have chapters going through the editing process today and I'm planning to post I Wish on Wednesdays and and Twice Removed on Thursdays.

So look for the next chapters on those days and I hope you all enjoy them.

*bug hugs to all my fans, friends, and family on BCTS*



Thanks Dottie

Amethyst's picture

My muse has kind of been working overtime the last week, so I'm hoping that these new chapters will be an enjoyable read.

*bug hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

What she said

I agree with Dottie, anything you write we will read with pleasure.

Aww thanks

Amethyst's picture

I just hope I'm not too rusty lol

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

I had to as well

Amethyst's picture

I re-read practically everything I wrote on this site, just to refresh my memory and my muse's before I got started on new chapters of anything. That was a lot of reading lol

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Woo hoo! A new-to-me AWESOME author.

WillowD's picture

I read your two recent blog posts and decided to check out your stories. I just started reading I Wish last night and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I look forward to exploring your other stories.

I just added it to my typed out list of favorite BCTS stories. (I created this list because I was having trouble finding stories to re-read that I remember as being awesome but couldn't remember the name of the author or the title.)

I am glad to hear you are getting a better handle on your life.

Bookmarking a story

WillowD's picture

I have come across that technique once or twice so I can probably find it again. The problem is that I have way too many favorites. In the past I have stored a number of stories in a browser bookmark window. Then I decided to create a Microsoft Word document. It is much easier to add extra info like the author's name, story page link and a list of my favorite stories. I can bold stuff I particularly like, add notes like (not read yet) and so on.

Some day I'm thinking of posting a version of this as a blog on BCTS that lists the stories I like and the reasons why.

next to the "add a comment"

there is a "bookmark" button. to access your personal list of bookmarked stories, just pull up your account and its there.


Welcome Back!

Aurum's picture

I was a little worried when you’d gone AWOL for so long. I’m truly glad you’re back, you are my favorite author here. Hope all is well with you.

Thanks Aurum

Amethyst's picture

Things aren't great, but I'm trying to keep a positive attitude and I'm feeling better about myself every day, and it's go good to be back and writing again.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3