Legal/Educational changes coming?

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Too bad transgender policies are so easily changed with a change of administration.


The only constant is change

BarbieLee's picture

Ricky, what I or anyone thinks or believes comes from upbringing, education, experience, or the lack there of. I believe the world has become Sodom and Gomorrah for the same reasons. There are many who don't believe in God or if they do they make their own concept of right and wrong. Some think I'm Satan's mistress because I'm trans. Now we come full circle with politicians doing what they do best, messing with everyone's life. Steroids were banned from sports for a number of reasons. Why are the males who transition over to female sports dominating them? Home grown male steroids for X amount of years before competing in women's sports. Why don't we read about women shifting over to male sports dominating them? They don't have an advantage of testosterone in a testosterone dominated field.
Hugs Ricky love your stories especially Grandma on Guard
Life is a gift meant to be lived not worn until it's worn out.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl


There are no facts backing up your assertions

Find actual cases where a boy faked being trans to win in girl's sports. It simply does not happen outside of East Germany and Russia and in Tucker Carlson's mind.

Obama\Biden improved things vastly for gays by approving gay marriage.

It's possible Biden will make permanent changes to acceptance for trans by stopping the nonsense.

I played four sports in high school. I coached several sports. As someone else said there is nothing fair about sports.

Play them as you find them.

Winning isn't everything. It is the effort to win that is everything.

By the way. Tucker came by being a dink honestly. His father was the reporter who "outed" Renee Richards when he recognized her serve from watching her years before as a male college player.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Lot's wife

crash's picture

The old testament is full of horrors. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah not least among them. Abraham's nephew, Lot tries to turn his daughters over to the men of the city rather than have the men orgy with the angels God sent. Somehow prostituting your virgin daughters does not violate Lot's virtuousness and so of all of the people in Sodom and Gomorrah only Lot's family is saved. Except, of course, Lot's wife who gets turned into a pillar of salt (whatever that is) for looking back as the cities are engulfed in fire and brimstone.

Please God, save me from those who believe in you.

Your friend

Whatever That Is...

I read somewhere that pillars of salt were sizable salt licks that piled up in the area -- probably having something to do with the shifting of the banks of the Dead Sea (which of course is extremely salty) -- and that the story of Lot's wife was an speculation long after the fact as to how an especially large one originated.


Please don't hate me.

Depending upon the physiology of the individual, I do not think a MtF person should compete against a Genetic Woman. There could be a million factors to modify what I just said, but ideally, a pre-pubescent patient that went to hormones at a reasonable age, could perhaps be very close to equal with a female athlete. But if the transition happened post puberty and drugs did not happen until a very late age, I would hope that common sense would prevail.


Whoever said sports competition was fair?

Search for Birth Month and Sports and find out how the calendar warps athletic competitions and who gets chosen for coaching and promotion at an early age. August 1 is the magic date for baseball and January 1 for hockey in the US and Canada for whether you qualify for youth league play, which can set the tone for a whole career.

Height, ancestry, birthplace, personal connections, genetic and physiologic quirks, and all sorts of measures of "talent" go into making stardom in both sports and academic pursuits. The whole idea of sports competition is inherently sorting out unequal competitors.

Life ain't fair and there's no solution. Sports just ain't important enough to me to worry about when people are dying because of the color of their skin or what they have in their panties.

- Gender is between the ears, sex is between the legs and anywhere else you can get it. - Lulu Martine

I am very sorry...

... But... Could you clarify who of the athletes in the story pictures are TG?
In the first picture I see two guys on the left and three gals on the right... With gals losing... But I know some guys who look more gals then gals in the picture... And I've seen gals who look more like guys then guys in the picture...

I told it a number of times here... Tolerance - is a bad word for us. Look up the meaning of the word. In medical circles tolerance means an ability to survive a poison. Do you feel that you or me is a poison? I don't see myself as a poison. But a word "tolerance" anywhere near "TG", "TS", "CD" means that I am a poison...


crash's picture

In engineering tolerance is the range of accuracy for a measurement or fitting. The caption in the picture spells out who is and who is not trans.
Lots of words have lots of meanings. Using out of context meanings for words is a distraction.

Your friend

I am of the opinion

crash's picture

I am of the opinion that we need to stop using sex and gender as the markers for what leagues and teams you can play on. Rather we could use weight, height, or maybe shoe size as the divider.

Just a thought.

Your friend

The Very Same People

. . .who balk at trans athletes competing have children competing in soccer leagues where clubs will not accept children born in the second half of the year and in football leagues who restrict ball carriers to a certain weight in football. Go figure!


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Sort of the Point, Isn't It?

Seems logical to me that people who are trying to micromanage eligibility would be the ones least likely to accept trans kids as no different from cis kids.
