got a body blow today

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got a body blow today.

Carol told me Mike had a meltdown on the weekend. He got very angry at an employee at the wildlife park over nothing

this is very much unlike him, but something she was warned about as his disease progresses

he went for a test today, the results will tell us if it is getting worse for sure, but he's already told Carol that if he ever gets violent she has his permission to put him into long term care

the worst thing of getting the news about Mike today was it was Sam's grad today, and I hate that I couldn't be happier for her


I wish we had a "Sad" button ...

... like we do over on facebook.
(Depends on where Carol and Mike are) In USA, we have a document called something like 'healthcare power of attorney', where we designate someone to make healthcare decisions for us, if or when we can't. Otherwise "The System" is forced into making decisions that might go against what we would have wanted, that go against what the people who know us best know we would have wanted.
As always, I've got 'the ether' jammed up with hugs, free for the embracing.