Puddled at the Oscars !

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I did not get to see the Oscars last night, but this morning when I saw the clip of Hugh Jackman carrying Anne Hathaway up onto the stage

! OMG! I just melted into a puddle ! Talk about vicarious imagery!

HUGH is sooooo HOT!


Jackman Was Very Good

At first, it appeared that Anne Hathaway wasn't in on it, but then you could tell that she was. As you would expect, she's a good actress. I had no idea that Hugh Jackman could sing or Anne Hathaway for that matter.

I thought that Anne Hathaway and Kate Winslet and Penelope Cruz looked particularly good.

The way they did the major awards was just excellent (using a group of previous winners to talk individually about each nominee). The supporting actress presentation was particularly moving.

Sean Penn did a good job with his acceptance speech delivering a message of equality and tolerance.

Hugh Jackman's

performed on Broadway! (In a singing role. Two different ones, I think.)

Is Sean Penn Gay?

I was a little surprised by what he said. I have finally gotten over running around and telling people that I am trans. I always find it a little jolting because I never hear Hetros say that they like to have sex with the opposite sex.

No intolerance here for obvious reasons, but I am just in the mood to get on with life. :)


Not Gay

De Niro did make a great joke about it last night though referring to Penn's acting ability.

Oscar night and other such musings

Anne Hathaway and Kate Winslet and Penelope Cruz?

Lock me in a room with them for a weekend, I'd die a very happy man.

As to Hugh Jackman, um, what about those claws, he has adamntium claws, doesn't he?

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. Hey, Crystal Hall gang, as to TG, how about Kate Wislet as Amelia Hartford in the Whatley Academy stories? All that sensuality and refinement tied up under that hair in a bun, severly reserved exterior. We know there is a sexual creature under that, Hartford has gone ga-ga over a couple guys so ...

John in Wauwatosa