Back to the big Apple

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Off to NYC for consult with Neurologist and other docs for plan of treatment. Weakness in arms and shoulders along with more shaking has my wife worried. It's in God's hands, either way, but I have to admit I'm scared. Thanks for all your prayers and support. You dear ones mean the world to me. Thank you for your friendship. And a special shout out to my little sister for all her comfort over the weekend, along with my three adopted sisters as well. God bless and see you soon! 'drea



shiraz's picture


I have said it elsewhere but will repeat it here - you are strong enough to get through this and your strength comes from your family who are with you and all of your friends in this community.

We care for you.

Mostly Harmless

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Paperback cover Boat That Frocked.png

neurological problems

My mother has periodically same problems and it comes from a pinched nerve in her neck. Also stress can aggravate neurological problems.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.

You get better Andrea ^^

I'll be praying for you as well.


Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf

Get well.


Dear Drea:

Go to the Big Apple, see the doctors, get taken care and return to your wife and loved ones safely.



Escape from New York

Andrea Lena's picture

Altogether a lovely day which started with a nice drive, accompanied by my beautiful bride and gorgeous weather. And two diagnoses for the price of one. Great doctor; handsome and charming for those of you who like Asian-Canadians with expertise and tender care. I have a little sister who came to mind regarding this guy. First, the good news. The shoulder shrugs and shudders I've been experiencing are likely due to stress and anxiety and they exacerbate the other problem, which in turn feeds into this one. This seizure disorder is considered psychogenic, which is a clinical way of saying it's all in my the one area of the brain that controls impulse, reactions, etc. The problem is treatable and will likely go away within the year or so. The bad news, which is better than some of what my sisters here have to deal with, is the other problem is a tremor disorder that is permanent and is not going away at all. The medication I'll be taking for this will help immensely with the other problem, but only mitigate my tremors somewhat, so if my local theater group ever stages "The Katherine Hepburn Story," I'm all set. All of my thanks to everyone who has reached out to me with such kindness and acceptance these past few months. So, more than annoying, but not debilitating and thankfully not fatal. As Louise Gehrig said in an alternate universe, "I consider myself the luckiest woman on the face of the earth." All my thanks to you dear friends and new family.

"She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones." Che Dio ti benedica! 'drea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena