If You Are A Pagan

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Check out Annie Lennox's "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen". Sorry, I don't know how to provide the link,



If you've never seen it...

Puddintane's picture

Here's the Wayback Machine's capture of Patrick Farley's Saturnalia, which isn't ambiguous at all. Unfortunately, it's very slow loading. The original e-sheep.com was much quicker.

I'd recommend The Jain's Death and Delta Thrives* in particular. although small pieces of the last are missing**, but all his work is worth looking over. He's one of the first visual artists to take full advantage of advanced web layout techniques and flash animations.

He's in the process of reloading (very slowly) his very innovative and ground-breaking web comix here:


The Jain's Death is also available here. Click on the central image; select the story.



* Or Delta Thrives Entry Page
Click on Set the controls for the heart of the sun It will be a long time loading...

** Most of the missing pieces are available if one explores the wayback site, as different captures of the files over time "miss" idiosyncratic particulars. It's tedious work, though. This version is fairly complete.

A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Providing links....

Puddintane's picture

The simplest way to provide a link is simply to copy the address directly from the address window at the top of your browser screen and paste it into the "comment" window on your post like this:


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Alternatively, you can enter this bit of code:

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<a href="
http://www.bigclosetr.us/topshelf/">Big Closet Website</a>

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Big Closet Website

Many people find that this makes for a neater post.



A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style


Just to try Puddin's bit of code.

This is the Guardian's web site

Thanks for that - it seems to work OK. I've made a note of it so I can astound readers with my erudition in future posts :)



Isn't that a Motorcycle gang?

Mr. Ram


No, the Pagans are a social group of motorcycle enthusiasts :)

Beliefs not required

Pagan or not, well presented, well detailed, interesting, and enjoyable. I just wish that youtube videos were sharper.
Thank you for calling this minstrel (or should that be minstres?) to my attention. DM

I've been a very bad girl.

The pagan side of this was hard for me to spot, so I sent it to my son, who works at a homeless shelter in Norfolk, Va. Any communication from me what so ever sort of sends him off into righteous indignation; railing about my promiscous and sinful lifestyle. LOL I just wish I was having 1/10th of the fun he imagines.

Great clip. I love her vocal talents.



that was amazing. The song arrangement is very good -- and I LOVE Annie Lennox's voice -- but I couldn't tear my eyes from the video.

What was in it for Pagans?

The arrangement was very cool. I guess the three musicians were Celtic/Irish; was Anne carrying a shillelagh? Most of the imagery seemed christian, but I'm no imagery expert.

I've heard (and sung) the carol before. As a Pagan of some sort, why would I want to listen to the words of the main tenets of Christianity? This culture is saturated with christian stuff, words, info, personal declarations, whatever.

> If You Are a Pagan <.... ? Silly me. I thought you would show something that Pagans would like. Was this some sort of attempt to convert us? Anyway, anybody looking into Jesus' bio knows he was born in the Spring. Shifting it to just after the Yule (winter solstice) was co-opting a Pagan Holiday that most BC Europeans celebrated. Also about Pagans, I've heard the christians murdered over a million wimyn during the middle ages, accusing them of witchcraft.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Hugs and Bright Blessings,


Puddintane's picture

I didn't see much of Pagan imagery in there either, except the remnant of the midwinter clowns in the musicians who follow her, and of course the presence of a woman at the head of a procession, which calls to mind the Sankta Lucia celebrations of Scandinavia, themselves the transmogrified remnants of the Dísablót (Goddess [Lady] Holiday) or Mōdraniht (Mothernight) celebrations of pre-Christian Northern Europe, always performed by women, and celebrating the Goddess in any of her many forms.


Disr (Goddesses [Ladies]) came in groups of at least three, although more were common, such as the Valkyries, the feminine equivalent of the masculine Wild Hunt, also associated with the Yule season. The Norns were usually three, but Triple Goddess images are found all over Europe.

The Vættir (wights) could be of either sex, but were usually seen as nature spirits like the Elves (air), Giants (Earth),

The Saturnalia was the southern European version of the same festival, although it was more focused on masculine Gods, and more raucous.



A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

If You Have To Explain The Joke

joannebarbarella's picture

It must have fallen flat.



P.S. But I hope you enjoy a nice tune well sung and beautifully presented.


kristina l s's picture

Was it a joke? Seemed pretty straight up to me. An essentially Christian (funny I typed that as Christina...Freudian or what?) song with an accompanying clip showing a mixed bag of symbolism from assorted belief systems. I am hardly educated in religious belief or knowledgeable in that area but it seemed to me to mix it up pretty well. Simply a nice take on the whole, take what you wish to believe but do not mess with another's... type idea. Seems fair to me. Religions do tend to be somewhat pragmatic, at least for a while, adapting and using to get established. Hearts and minds and all that...oh, is that a military allusion...oops.
