(sic) Humor

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Really, really bad writing can be hilarious. Unintentionally hilarious, but hilarious nonetheless.

Some incredibly cruel person, who obviously works in publishing, has had the bad judgement to violate the trust placed in them by their employers and the authors who submit their work, and post selected groaners for the whole world to see.

So, of course, I had to repost it: http://sichumor.tumblr.com/


I could only read so much ....

my sides were splitting from laughter.

This was really too much!

John in Wauwatosa suffering intermittent humor-aftershocks

John in Wauwatosa

I hope no money was

I hope no money was exchanged in the production of those words.

Those authors make the worst of us here look like Shakespeare.

Humour is really strange

It's such a personal thing - what to one person is a side-splitter leaves others cold.

OK, it may be mediocre writing, but I'm afraid I've seen worse on here. Is it being bad that makes it funny?

Not to me.

As for violating a confidence - the guy needs to be fired - in an oven!