The coolest guy I know.

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This post is about the closest friend I have in the world FO. I have known him for about seventeen years; we have been through a lot together and always stuck with each other. No one in my life knows about me but last night that changed. I don’t have to tell you folks that depression is a mighty powerful thing, the only outlet I have in my life to be me is this wonderful site and the friends I have made here. I had been getting less and less sleep because of nightmares and depression along with the day(ugh)job being a bitch. I have been debating telling FO for awhile. I know I can’t tell any of my family or friends but he is special we have always called each other brothers. I thought with the amount of trust we have for one another he was the only one I could talk to and tell. I actually thought it dishonest for me not to share this with him since it is the biggest secret I have and I know pretty much all of his. So last night we went for dinner at a small family owned Mexican/Chinese restraint, trust me it’s good and has been around for decades. In a small booth in the back I asked him if he would ever leave me (our friendship) he said he never would no matter what was wrong. He said that we could work through anything and he would always be there to back me up. I proceeded to tell him of my problem and how I had been hiding all my life keeping my true self away from the surface. He was a bit surprised to say the least he remarked that I indeed was in a mess and asked if he could say three things without interruption. I said of course and waited for disaster I could not read the look on his face when normally I can read him like a book. In order he said 1. This explains your liking of Abba and Broadway musicals. 2. As I look back through the years I can see it. 3. I don’t have a brother any more (my face fell at this) I have a sister and I don’t know her name, he knows my name now. I dropped him off at his house he gave me a very big hug and told me to be careful going home and not to do anything drastic with out checking with him first, I agreed. The weight of nearly forty years on my shoulders the pain all just got a little bit lighter. As I was driving home I got a text from him it was a picture of one of those e-cards that are all the rage on f-book it said: “I hope we’re friends until we die. And then I hope we stay ghost friends and walk through walls and scare the shit out of people” and the message was “ghost friends for ever!” He is the coolest guy I know and I love him very much.


I have two brothers...

Andrea Lena's picture

I hope I can get to the place where I can tell them about me. This makes me cry; I apologize for the overwhelming majority of self-indulgent tears. But part of them are 'crying for happy,' as the old saying goes for you, my dear. May we all know cool guys as well! Thank you!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

No apologies for tears I shed

No apologies for tears I shed quite a few last night. Its a small step but a step nonetheless. One person knows and cares I won't be completely alone any more. That can make a huge difference in keeping my life going. I really hope and pray for all of us but you most of all that we can find someone who will care and listen.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

I'm pleased for you

Angharad's picture

Now you have to give him time to take it on board and come back to you with questions, which I'm sure he will.



I'm sure he will. Baby steps

I'm sure he will. Baby steps will be the order of the day. But for now acknowledgment and acceptance I'm fine with.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair


Waits with popcorn for the romance to blossom. Munch munch munch.

P.S. Don't forget to wear the LBD for that ever important first date. Giggle.

Woah there missy! Maybe in a

Woah there missy! Maybe in a story you can write but I think is going to be a very slow process, your popcorn may go stale.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

Don't worry about romance,

Don't worry about romance, just stay friends. If it goes beyond friendship, then enjoy that. If stays at friends, a friend forever is better than a brief romance.

And what is wrong with ABBA?


"And what is wrong with ABBA?" That's what I said.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

Better question

What is ABBA? Some country music group? Local garage band?

I know I'm bad can't resist. Munch munch munch


Now you're just pulling my leg. *steals a handful of popcorn* munch munch

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair


Was all along i just have this bad sense of humor. Munch munch hey where did my popcorn go?

Thanks Stan. I appreciate the

Thanks Stan. I appreciate the thoughts.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

Happy for you...

Having at least one friend to talk to about anything is so important to have. (hugs) Taarpa

Pass the popcorn please!

aww common

Everyone keeps stealing my popcorn!


You started it.

No complaints from the peanut gallery. *munch munch*

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair


is the best thing i am glad you have that type of friend and wish you many more jenn. oh and here tells as i put a very large bag of popcorn down , enough for everyone.

hugs rues


*acts like a little girl in a dress shop* My Popcorn! *hides it from Jenn * Munch munch munch


I'll get you next time tels! Thanks for the laughs.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

your welcome

....My popcorn you no has! munch munch munch

Careful of the snowball.

This is about where it starts...

I'm so glad you've got someone in your life like this. I have yet to meet anyone THAT accepting. My nephew is the closest, and even he struggles with it. His first comments when I told him were "so what do I call you? Uncaunt? Auncle?" and a bunch of other weird stuff, before I laughed and said "hopefully you can get to the point where you can call me your Aunt Abi". For the most part, he does refer to me in the purely feminine now, but there was still that initial awkwardness.

I have to be fair, most people I know are trying, they're just struggling with it more than your friend seems to be. I have never gotten that positive an initial response. Let's also hope he can keep it quiet... After I told my brother, it didn't take long at all for EVERYONE at work to know.

So. Good for you! And I hope to hear more successes from you in the future! Just beware, your subconscious may already be trying to out you to all and sundry... The time to come fully out may be a lot closer than you hoped for.

Abigail Drew.

Abi has it

I write love stories. Said it before, will say it again. In almost all of them, there is the obligatory hard path to where love and acceptance trump all the problems. I was called the 'queen of reality' once... Unfortunately, life isn't usually like that. The bigotry and small mindedness is still out there, and I feel that in many cases it outweighs the good. Many people can do the acceptance as a theory, acceptance at a distance things, but presented with a real live T-person their mind closes down and their hindbrain fires up. So the end of real life versions of my stories is most often far from being as sweet.

I can remember all stages of my coming out, and in particular the agony of whom to tell. The first was a close girl friend, and then others fell into place. What was dangerous was the temptation to gush, to tell anyone I spoke to. People know now, of course, but back then the catharsis, the release of confession, could have brought me all sorts of crap. Hang on to your secrets until your feet are more firmly on the ground, and weigh each 'confession' very carefully before you make it. But, despite all that, congratulations.

Thank you for the input.

Thank you for the input. I am very aware of that snowball. Real life circumstances dictate I will not ever be out any time soon but I think I can trust him and only him because of our history. I will not be telling anyone else at all. I am still the same person he has known for nearly two decades and I will not be acting any different in public. His words "check with me before you do anything drastic" lets me feel he will keep a level head and backstop me from doing anything I might regret. I would also check with all of you here who have more expirience in these matters than I. Once again thank you for the concern I am proceeding very carefully.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair