Another Tragic Hate Crime Death

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Another sad attack and right by a police station too.



What the article didn't say

Frank's picture

Was were there any officers present and observing what was happening? Were they inside and oblivious? What WERE they doing instead of helping?





The Police are under no obligation to help individuals. They could have walked right by this incident and never interfered because it might mean harm to the Officer.

They are cowards and bullies and if called, you are as likely to go to jail or the morgue as the offender.

This sounds like a black mob playing "Knock Out". It's getting worse out there and I advise martial arts training and ASAP if you want to continue to draw breathe around malls and other public venues. If all else fails, Colt will come to the rescue.


If it were only that simple

Ragtime Rachel's picture

“Reporting violence helps end violence,” says Chestnut. “Unless we know where violence is occurring, we can’t do outreach in the area. We can’t reach out to the general public know that anti-LGBT violence shouldn’t be tolerated.”

I question this. Reporting will only help if those we report to are willing to do something. Sadly, I'm sure there a lot of police and other people in positions of power who just wish we'd go away, and secretly approve of what the bigots are doing.

Livin' A Ragtime Life,


This just shows

Angharad's picture

we all have a long way to go on a number of fronts, transgender, colour, education and becoming human. Many two legs will never achieve becoming human.


It is tragic. But statistically (sadly) - there could be more.

22 LGBT related murders a year is almost exactly 5% of total number of murders in NY.
As up to 10% of population can be considered LGBT in some way, we can expect up to 10% of victims to be LGBT.
So, while any murder IS tragic, statistically LGBT people have higher chance of survival in NY.