Anne Gray's blog

Trying again

After losing everything from the computer in the move, I started to rebuild my address and contact file then the nine year old tower gave up the ghost taking everything with it. If anyone wants a laugh they should have been at the store when I told the guy that a few years ago I had my RAM increased to 800 and wanted at least that much on the new one. When he stopped choking with laughter he told me that two gigs was considered a minimum today. So now I'm learning this Windows 7 and a machine that seems to anticipate what I want to do before I do it.

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Why in God's name does she do this?

I joined YouTube recently and am having fun surfing all over the place. But one video popped up and, while well done, I cannot get it through my mind why a genetic girl as pretty as this one would voluntarily cover up like this. Mostly we hear it is 'forced' or a 'religious requirement' but she says it is by her own choice. When I think of how many would love to have and display (show off) a face such as hers it boggles my mind. If you are a member of YouTube just type in the search box: Niqab styles 1 and then please tell me WHY?

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How true

First time I've used this blog thing so I hope I get it right. Earlier today I was watching a television documentary on the Ironman/woman races. One man had advanced ALS but he finished the 2 mile swim, a 120 mile bike ride and then a 26 mile marathon.
As he crossed the finish line he said his mantra was 'If you don't face your fears then you cannot live your dreams.'

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