Beverly Taff's blog

Martinja's Story

Just finished 2 new chapters of Martina's story dealing with her time at college. Chapters 8 & 9.
Up to my neck in other stuff so gotta sort out chapter 10.
Got an idea for it but first gota mow de lawn. My next house is gonna be a terraced city house without a garden. I'm getting to hate gardening. Mine's looking like The Serengeti!

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The angry mermaid.

I'm putting together a book that has no TG interest.
It's a tale of some Celtic Siblings who escape and survive a Viking raid on the Celtic Village dated shortly after the Romans departed Britain.
So far I've written 5 chapters. I've got somewhere to go with it but I'm still groping for a finish.

If I finish it, I might try getting it published.

Alternatively if that fails,I might re-write it and give it a transgendered twist rather like Alfeidre.

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