Update - Original Author Found or Author and Story Reunited

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Last month I had posted a request about a story I was looking for. I ended up finding it myself and I posted it here. The story is called Beauty and the Vial http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/33443/beauty-and-vial

As it turns out, the story was written by one of BC's very own authors who had lost it in a hard drive crash. It was originally posted to a dial-up BBS system which us older folks used before the Internet (atually I was using the Internet in the early 1980s). The copy I found had been posted by someone in February 1997. The author of this wonderful story is out very own Ariel Montine.

Ariel was quite happy to rediscover a story she had written, and has added a chapter to the story and is going to continue it!!! Here is her post about it http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/33443/beauty-and-vial#...

The whole thing gives me a warm fuzzy feeling :)



Warm & Fuzzy

I read this story and I am looking foward to more chapters. I told you this is a WARM & FUZZY website and OH so much more THANKS EVERYBODY -- RICHIE2

Much Thanks Frank

I wanted to add my public thanks here to Frank for locating my story which was lost to me for over 15 years. I had not realized that any of my work from back then had survived and I am very thankful for it.

Much thanks to Frank and all those who have read the story over the years.