sending a message to myself

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Found an interesting feature today. I was looking at my blog, and realized you can send a message to yourself using the "write to author" feature. Neat!


I think that may be the first sign of Dissociative Disorder (previously called Multiple Personality Disorder). I think you have enough issues in life, don't go adding more. Besides, Cybil scared me.

Katie Leone (

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life


Only you would come up with a comment like that. Lol made me laugh.


Actually it was your message that made me laugh. ;)


If we had a friendlist system,

Extravagance's picture

perhaps we could also be our own friends? :D
Not necessary though. I never feel lonely here, thanks to, well, everyone! ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG