Plagarism ???

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I have been reading "Fluidity in Space" by JenniBee and a story I have been working on for years has a chapter that comes very close to what might appear to be plagiarism. As I told her, I don't have an issue with this but do not want someone in the future crying foul when I publish mine, perhaps this summer.

I would appreciate suggestions on how we should proceed.



it really depends

On the content of the chapter you are speaking about. How close are they really? Just because someone writes a story with a robot in it does not mean the writer is ripping off Asimov.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.

How close?

The question is how close. It is not just plot. But, how similar characters are. The situation.

Though, most courts view plagarism as lifting scenes word for word. Or, lifting the images of other artists and claiming those images as your own.

Also, plagarism is knowingly copying work that is not your own and passing it off as your own.

If it is just one chapter. Change the chapter some.

It sounds as if you've been in contact

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

You wrote: "As I told her," that sounds as if you've been in contact with JenniBee. If she doesn't mind the similarities, ask her to read your story before you publish and write a short forward, acknowledging the similarity and giving you her blessing. Problem solved.

I did a fan fiction in which I hijacked a set of characters and a plot premise and told the story of a minor character in a story by another author and when I couldn't reach the author I published the story with and acknowledged that and offered to remove the story if the author objected to it I also included a link to the original story with an urging for my readers to read her story first. When the author finally heard about an read my story she endorsed it.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

They'll cry foul whatever!

Firstly, what you describe is clearly not plagiarism, where you have taken someone else's work, copied, maybe with some modifications, and passed it off as you own.

But if the ideas are really so close, then you're probably going to be accused, so get used to it. Mind, I always think it's worse being accused when you're innocent than when you're guilty. (Not that I know about the latter!)

Publish and be damned.

Stealing Thoughts

When aren't we stealing thoughts?


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)