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  1. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 283

    out there as I made him a cup of tea, while he let the dog out. Roll on the lighter nights and he ...

    - 2008/05/01 - 2:27pm - 14 comments

  2. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 288

    to make myself a cup of tea. I sat sipping my tea and looking at the flowers Henry and Monica had ... you?" He'd hurriedly dumped the cups and come to comfort me. In the safety of his embrace, I told ...

    - 2008/05/06 - 2:23pm - 15 comments

  3. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 290

    grabbed the larger towel and pulled. I spun around and the towel fell to the ground, leaving me wearing ... fingers lightly brushing my breasts. "We have things to do, we don't have time." ...

    - 2008/05/07 - 6:27pm - 16 comments

  4. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 291

    Easy As Falling Off A Bike by Angharad part: 291. We left the solicitor's office and watched the rain from the porch. I was rather glad I'd worn my mac, but I didn't have my umbrella nor a hat, with me. "Well the bank is shut now anywa ...

    - 2008/05/08 - 7:45pm - 11 comments

  5. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 298

    "Would you care for a cup of tea or coffee?" I asked, falling out with this woman had upset me and ...

    - 2008/05/15 - 3:58pm - 9 comments

  6. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 299

    help Melvin remember?" Simon who'd been silent so far, made himself look rather larger than ...

    - 2008/05/16 - 4:34pm - 14 comments

  7. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 300

    "So," he said and pulled me over on top of him, kissing me and stroking my breasts. Far from feeling ... About five in the morning, after consuming a cup of tea made by some of the neighbours, I felt ...

    - 2008/05/17 - 4:52pm - 20 comments

  8. Totally Insane 2 (completed.)

    seemed to have got much shorter. She poured two cups of tea and placed one in front of me and took the ... cleared the other things from the table and finally sat down with cups of tea, awfully civilised, ...

    - 2010/04/03 - 4:18pm - 21 comments

  9. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 302

    in Waterstones, where I suspect he had been all afternoon. He confessed but bought me a cup of tea ...

    - 2008/05/19 - 5:01pm - 9 comments

  10. Totally Insane 3-epilogue.

    a cup of tea, then Mummy– doh! –did my hair. Gel and other stuff, then blow dried with a brush thing. It ... went off to have a cup of tea in the kitchen and Gemma dragged me upstairs to her room. “Kylie,” she ...

    - 2012/03/07 - 4:59pm - 24 comments

  11. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 308

    it. Stella was bright eyed and bushy tailed and appeared with a cup of tea. Why couldn't she have ...

    - 2008/05/26 - 12:17pm - 14 comments

  12. Totally Insane 4-postscript.

    All I could do was giggle by way of reply, well it tickled. It would be lovely to say, we won the cup ...

    - 2008/05/28 - 10:29pm - 29 comments

  13. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 312

    Easy As Falling Off A Bike by Angharad part: guess what, 26 doz! On the way home we went to the university, where I checked up on my babies. Spike seemed happy to see me, or maybe it was the brazil nut she nibbled while I held her. I was pretty sure she w ...

    - 2008/05/30 - 8:46pm - 22 comments

  14. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 314

    Easy As Falling For a Bike (I did last week!) by: Angharad wyth-beiciau.(Hope it's grammatical). part:314 I rode home as hard and fast as I could, I had a lot to do to regain my previous fitness levels. I was hot and bothered when I got home, Tom was ...

    - 2008/06/02 - 1:20am - 7 comments

  15. Totally Insane 5- Afterword.

    Totally Insane 5–Afterword by Angharad ...

    - 2008/06/09 - 6:39am - 18 comments

  16. Totally Insane 6 — Sequel

    “Would you like a cup of tea, I’ve just made a pot?” He hadn’t recognised me, had my mother told him, or ...

    - 2008/06/19 - 2:24am - 26 comments

  17. Pen Pals: 3

    people that they think an attractive young woman with long legs and large breasts is a slut? I can’t help ...

    - 2008/06/21 - 3:36pm - 14 comments

  18. Pen Pals: 5

    Angharad Anistasia Allread Breanna Ramsey Edeyn Hannah Blackeney John in Wauwatosa Kaleigh Way Lady Eleanor Laika Pen Pal Continuum General Audience (pg) Sequel or Series Episode School or College Life Various Ages Posted by author(s) Pen Pals by Breanna ...

    - 2015/07/04 - 3:49am - 6 comments

  19. Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 324

    me home. I didn't cry, I suppose I was too shocked. He made me a cup of sweet tea and I refused ...

    - 2008/06/20 - 5:10pm - 14 comments

  20. Totally Insane 7- appendix.

    dishes and vacuuming. I made us some tea when I’d finished and took him in a cup. “Where’s yours?” he ... have a quick chat while we drink it.” I slipped out to the kitchen and collected my cup and load of ... that’s all.” Actually, I wondered what they might say about me, but if they play in larger groups, which ...

    - 2010/07/24 - 12:24pm - 16 comments
