Blast from the old painting of mine.

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I was just sitting around looking at some photos of some of my old artwork and came across this one. It was done back in May 2005, when I could still hold a paintbrush. It's oil on canvas (25" x 20) and (as far as I know) is residing in a home in eastern Colorado. I titled it, The Meaning of Life, and the "secret" of the painting is the lettering highlighted in yellow inside the equation.


The Meaning of Life.jpg


It's interesting

Angharad's picture

Is it based on any system of belief or just a painting?


No, I just had the idea of...

charlie98210's picture

No, I just had the idea of hiding the phrase, "it is a privilege to live this day and tomorrow," in what looked like a burnt fragment of an arcane mathematical document. The numbers are just a random string of numbers, letters and symbols that I made up as I sketched out the layout of the painting. (Down in the lower left, I added the phrase, Potius sero quam nunquam which is Latin for, roughly, Better Late than Never; but did not highlight those letters in yellow because I wanted the first phrase to jump out).
