a strange dream

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Okay, last night I had a pretty strange dream.

I boarded a train, which was somehow a historical artifact as well a means of transportation, and after a while, some people came aboard saying they were taking the train, and its passengers for ransom.

One of these men pulled back his hood, and told me I needed to cooperate, or he would tell the other passengers that I had "seduced" him many years ago, seeming to be referring to my rape, and planing on using it as blackmail against me.

I felt angry, and responded that he was not safe himself, which caused him to pull back on his hood until his face could no longer be seen.

Then I woke up.

I wonder what it means, if anything?



Extravagance's picture

It means that you read Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban. That book features hooded figures on a magical train who made you relive your worst memories.

Catfolk Pride.PNG

I've never read it

nor seen the movies.

that is kinda freaky though ....

huggles and scratches behind the ears.
