
Today's Parable - 2017 - 06 - 02 - The Hen and the Hawk

The Hen and the Hawk
(c) 2017 Haylee V

Once upon a time, a beautiful, but somewhat misguided hen lived on a farm. She spent her days doing what most hens do -- scratching the ground for seeds and worms, preening her feathers, or laying eggs. She had a relatively good life -- safe and easy.

Unfortunately, though, she wasn't happy. She would often gaze longingly at the sky and watch the wild fowl fly overhead in absolute freedom -- a freedom she yearned for with every fiber of her being.

Today's Parable - 2017 - 05 - 17 - True Riches

OK, Gentle Readers, here's today's fable for your enjoyment.

True Riches
(c) 2017 Haylee V

One day, a farmer went to the convenience store to feed his one vice -- gambling. He knew that the odds were against him ever hitting it big, but he indulged himself once a week, allowing himself to purchase a single $1 lottery ticket. He had never won, but got joy just the same by the anticipation.

His wife, however, saw this as a needless expense.

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