Life in the Uk and You Are a Meany

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I will be posting the latest Chapter of You are a Meany tomorrow. I did not have time to write because I was studying for taking the Life in The UK test. I was scheduled to take it this past Saturday but it got postponed. It did get reschedule for the middle of April. Now I have to call the Home Office to see what to do about my visa. I need to take the test to submit my paperwork. I was actually happy. After taking the test the only thing I would have had to do was to hit send on my visa application then wait for the Home Office to tell me to get my new biometrics card. Now I have a little bit more time dealing with government bureaucracy.

Love N Hugs


Sorry to hear that Hon,

D. Eden's picture

But like many of us, your life is on pause for now.

The only good thing about any of this is that I am getting to spend a lot of time with my family - which is not normal as I travel every week for work. Of course, I may kill them all before this over with.........

Well, maybe just my two lazy sons. I think I’ll let my wife live - after all, she and I seem to be the only ones doing anything!

Be well.

From quarantine,

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Oh yeah, life is on pause for

Oh yeah, life is on pause for a very good reason. I hope that I did not come off as sounding like I was complaining.

Life being on pause right now

Beoca's picture

Life being on pause right now is kind of what would be expected. It's the reality for a lot of people - not just you.

I know life is on hold for

I know life is on hold for everyone. Life being on hold is the best someone can expect at this time of crisis. I am not being affected adversely by having to move that stuff back. I really hope that I did not come off as sounding like I was complaining.