“A Window to Your Heart” on Amazon

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On Thursday, the first book I tried to have published...with limited success...will be free for two days.

This book was on BC but had to be removed due to Amazon’s practices. If you never read it before, give it a few pages.

This title has been rewritten seventeen times in the past thirty-one years since it was written as an assignment when I was in 7th grade. It still used music titles for its chapters but they were an eclectic mix of Billy Idol, “Weird Al” Yankovic and Mike and the Mechanics before I switched gears—and titles—once again to music by Micheal W. Smith (Even though the title is a mis-heard lyric from Paul Simon’s “Graceland”).

I always wanted to have this story seen by as many people as possible, not because I wanted to have some form of glory from it, but more to just show something different.
Something a little bitter at times, kind of like how it’s in the “real world”.

I’ve always wanted to continue the plot, but could never find a way to actually “end” the story.

The storyline takes place in Prattville, a suburb of Montgomery, Alabama; and at the same school as “tbdt” occurs—but 30 years apart.

A Window to Your Heart
