sometimes, you have to know when to pick your battles

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So tomorrow morning, my mom is going out for breakfast with one of my uncles.

I've made the choice to not come with, because he apparently has a problem with trans people.

And as he is almost 90, and dying of cancer, I think I'll skip making a scene.

Sometimes, you got to know when to pick your battles - and when its best to withdraw


Amen, Dot!

Emma Anne Tate's picture

The best line I ever heard from someone declining an invitation to attend a lunch with a similarly close-minded person was, “Who am I, the jackass whisperer?”



The great philosopher Phil Jackson once said.

"Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart."

Jackson was my brother's roommate in college. They were double dating one night when Jackson sat in the middle of the back seat and open both front doors of the car simultaneously. His shirt sleeves were 43 inches.

I attended NDSU and Jackson attended UND. UND was our arch rival. During one basketball game I attended tempers over boiled on the floor and one of our football players charged out of the stands intending on doing damage to Jackson. Jackson saw the football player coming and dropped him with one punch. Jackson, the son of a minister, was a pacifist.

So, keep an open mind and be ready to protect yourself.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Hatred & Anger ...

(Paraphrasing just a bit, "from the East".)

It's said that poorly controlled Anger (I'm adding Hate) is like picking up a hot coal, meaning to throw it at the 'enemy'.

And both Hate and Anger can 'take up lodging' inside of us, and burn in our Hearts 'forever' ...

And so I feel sorry for your Uncle ... And I hope he does not die before getting the Hate out.
Perhaps suggest this as a topic for Mom & Uncle while they are having coffee and desert ... ? And have her suggest that Uncle have a long chat with a Faith Counselor. (If Mom has this conversation, first make sure she has her own transport home.)
And enjoy your peaceful day at home ... :)
PS: Picking my battles ... Sigh. I've learned this rather poorly in 68 years ...

Thanks for the reminder, and for 'Modeling' the 'picking' for me.


Wendy Jean's picture

Is one of my main mantras.

You have got to remember he

leeanna19's picture

You have got to remember he is a product of his upbringing. 90 years old. When he was born , trans never really existed. If someone did try and do anything about it they were probably classed as a homosexual. That used to be punishable by death. South Carolina was the last state, in 1873, to repeal the death penalty for homosexual behavior.

I know he is not that old , but growing up it would have been imprinted on him that anyone that did not follow the norm was evil.

Not everyone has to like trans people. It would be nice if they didn't, that they just keep it too themselves.

Good for you Dorothy. No one would thank you for making a scene.
