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OK, some Iranian cleric has found the answer to why we have had so many earthquakes lately. Women! Women in provocative dress, to be precise. Seems the almighty is angry and letting us know about it by shaking things up. (Myself, think he's quaking with laughter, but who am I to contradict a Holy Man?)

Blogger Jen McCreight, who describes herself as a liberal, geeky, nerdy, scientific, perverted atheist feminist, has started a counterprotest - Boobquake. On Monday, April 26 she is inviting women to dress provocatively to see if they can set off a major earthquake or annoy a major crackpot. So ladies, if you pass you have a good reason to dress to the nines and go out on Monday!

I'll be with you in spirit, since my falsies won't let me show any cleavage.

Details are at


Bailey Summers I was

Bailey Summers

I was actually talking about this with a co-worker last night. We said it'd be funny to protest this by having mass bouncing boob groups of women posting what their doing in protest of the idiot.
I think it'd be a cool idea for a planet wide times flash-mob.
If we got 1,2,3 million boobs bouncing up and down at the same time would have a seismic effect?

Bailey Summers

Just remember

Once is a coincidence. To ensure a modicum of objectivity you'd have to repeat the entire thing for at least fifty times! So says the third kind of lies! ;)


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Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!