Memorial Day

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My heart goes out to the families of those who made the ultimate sacrifice...



thank you for putting this up. i have seen it before but this is a day we all should stop and remember the sacrifices these men and women made for us. god bless the usa



How about the women that are in the armed forces. Remember they have sacrificed for our great country. So I say God bless, thank you to all the men and women in the armed services of these United States... And I hope there be no more wars no matter where. Or what side you happen to be on. Period

This picture says it all

Nothing conveys the sacrifices made by our military more than a picture like this. The dead and those left behind, this makes me want to cry. God keep our military safe, Arecee

Thank you...

Ole Ulfson's picture

For reminding us!


We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!

Gender rights are the new civil rights!

its not just the dead

how many come home so wounded in heart or body that they never are the same?

Far too many

To those who have served, my gratitude. (Hey, I might be a Canadian, but I count my American friends as family, so those who have helped protect my American family deserve the props)



From an old Vet who was spit on once,only once, Thank you Drea we do appreciate it

Words cannot express enough gratitude.

I'll say my thanks to those who gave their lives and their loved ones. And I'm thankful for all the lives of those who served and survived; especially those who grace these pages.