I Iz So Weird

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I iz so weird
I Iz So Weird

One of my endearing charms is that I am a total nutter. I am as quirky as all hell, and well known for moodiness. Just ask my poor GF, Sparky. Thank God we, through the miracle of menstrual synchrony, we have our periods at the same time. (File under: too much information from ol' Trap)

Amongst my quirks is a severe underwear fetish. I guess this is something that I as an FTM crossdresser (and this goes for Sparky, too) have in common with a lot of MTF crossdressers.

As I've traveled around the internets, and visited a lot of crossdressing sites (including that big one with the rude bitchy GG moderator who can go scr_w herself), I've noted that there are a heck of a lot of people with penises who wear panties, and have for years. Its a funny ol' world, but I, as person with a vagina, wear men's tighty-whities, and haven't worn panties since 2006. It was a glorious day for me when I boxed up all my panties, took them out to the trash compactor, and crushed the suckers. (I can just imagine the collective shudder that went through the MTF CD audience here).

So, what is it about men's underwear that gets me going. I think its the fact that I find underwear to be the most intimate of clothing. To me, because it so gender specific, more so than any other garment, it triggers something in my brain akin to 'putting on the other gender'. Is it a fetish - you bet it is! And who says that those of us with vaginas don't have fetishes -- poo upon them!

In a very big sense, my wearing of men's underwear of every style from y-fronts to jockstraps defines my masculinity. Its the external manifestation of the internalised boy that I am. Without my y-fronts or jockstraps, I would feel incomplete. God forbid I shoudl ever have to wear panties again.

As to why all my stories have a big underwear component to them, well, its because I write what I know. I write what turns me on. I write what turns Sparky on. If it turns you on, too, I'm happy. If not, that's okay too. Just don't make me wear panties. As to bras ... grrrrrrrr.

Well, Sparky is studying for her Master Degree, and I have to go help her with homework, so I shall leave the subject of bras and my distaste thereof for another time. We may not get much done, as I just did a little shopping for the two us. Oh, Sparky!


Eeeew Val just Eeeew...

I work in a hospital so the different kinds are waaaaaaay too in my head for that image!
I so need to brush my brains now.

Bailey Summers

Are you now inspired

Extravagance's picture

to write a story about a transgirl or transguy who likes to shit on their partner, and/or vice-versa? = ) Given your affinity for cooking, I would expect a line like this in there somewhere...
"Thanks for the lovely meal, hunny. I'll share it with you in a few hours! ^_^"
Coming from you, such a story wouldn't be crap. It would be totally excrement! ^_^ And possibly your number two ever. :D

Oh boy. I'm actually eating my lunch as I read these comments and write this one. Not affecting me adversely at all. I would simply attribute that to being very strong willed. :)

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Hellz No!

How's about we keep the bathroom stuff in the bathroom:)

Bailey Summers

Not really sure ...

I iz happy with the direction this discussion has taken.



Extravagance's picture

Purr-haps some editing of the tags is in order? ;)

Catfolk Pride.PNG


Oh, poo. This isn't the blog with the puns. What a wipe out!


At this point

Extravagance's picture

I feel I should mention the name of a certain character from The Aristocats...
...Scat-Cat! :)
*Mounts her litter tray*




Oh, you DID tell me to "scat", right? :D

Catfolk Pride.PNG

In THIS place you are NOT weird, different maybe but NOT weird

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

Hi Jock,

All of us who frequent this site are, by the definitions of 'normal society', strange, maybe even queer. Here we are family and that makes you our brother? (Yeah, most likely, brother is the correct term.) What matters, in the end, is that we all support each-other. I quite understand how you feel about clothing and underwear, because I feel the same way, with the only difference being that I like women's wear.

Trapper Jock = brother/boy/male/etc. with a vagina

Hope Eternal = sister/girl/female/etc. with a penis

Who cares as long as we can be friends and help and support each-other as much as we are able?

with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

I Iz So Weird

Why the pic of the doG?

May Your Light Forever Shine


Angharad's picture

Some might consider it somewhat unusual that on a site which is primarily dedicated to transgender fiction, we have numerous blogs about the Tour de France, and it featuring in more than one story. Now that is weird, but as they say down yer, it makes I happy.

who bides in darkest Darzit (an' rides a bike for pleasure?)
