Ocular Migrane

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I just thought I would say this while I have a chance so nothing gets left unsaid. Just to be clear, last night I recieved nothing more than a a scare, according to the doctor, but my roomate won't let me out of her sight today, so it scared both of us.

So, no drama, but i just wanted to make sure that I told everyone here what a great bunch you are with the exception of one or two who get crabby now and again. I do not think that anyone here has ever had a cross word for me, even when I was spouting radical Islamic propaganda. :)

Oops, almost forgot to say that I had my first ever Ocular Migrane Headache. It only lasted about 45 minutes, but I could not talk clearly, my vision was greatly disturbed and my head hurt like hell.

In my right eye, there seemed to be a firery tear in the shape of a backward C but it was in zigzag stitch, and I was blind in that eye on one side of it. The doc said that I have none of the risk factors for stroke, so the next time it happens I'm 'posed to be good, take a couple excedrin and go to bed. :( Gosh, with a light show like that, I was hopin on some dancing.



Ocular Migraines

erin's picture

While the light show type is not as painful as the full-blown migraine, they are no picnic. Mine always look like somebody painted a misspelled marquee with a flaming Elvis impersonator. Slightly entertaining but only quiet and darkness makes them go away. Take care of yourself.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


Migraines are never any fun, but I've always found the Ocular stuff scary too. Be easy on yourself and find that nice dark place Erin was talking about.


Glad you're ok.

I had those kinds of aches when I was a pre-teen. I, at least according to my doctor at the time, outgrew them.

Soft healing hugs.


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg