Manic Mode

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Right now, I'm in manic mode, and you'd think that would be good news compared to being depressed, and there are some benefits to it, but there are risks too.

I wonder if I can ever be on an even keel without the aide of chemicals?

Ah, well.



Andrea Lena's picture

...short answer? Speaking from personal experience...probably not. But considering the company we keep? Carrie Fisher, Patty Duke, Beethoven, Churchill, Agatha Christie, Mozart, Buzz Aldrin...I could go on, but you get the point...

Addendum: Just to be clear, I take medication for my diagnoses, including two anti-depressant/anxiety meds and an anti-tremor medication. Many if not most medications prescribed for mental illness are used to address a chemical imbalance when the body fails to produce the chemical on its own. One of the stigmas of mental illness apart from the conditions themselves is that somehow you're less of a person or flawed by needing medication. Patty Duke would tell you that Lithium saved her life. I know my meds are part of the reason I'm alive today.

There is NO SHAME in getting whatever help you need! And there is NO SHAME in having a mental illness.


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

An even keel is not for everyone

It is the experience of some of my acquaintance (and personal experience, as well) that an even keel is not always beneficial to a creative spirit.

My sister-in-law was a proficient and prolific abstract artist until she got 'stabilized'. Now, she produces virtually nothing.

True, this is not for everyone and is highly anecdotal. You will have to see whether things will work for you.

However it turns out, be mindful that we are here and care whether you are high, low, or somewhere in between.


Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.

Manic Mode

If you are taking hormones, would they not be causing it?

May Your Light Forever Shine