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I must have "free advice-giver" written on me somewhere. Last night a co-worker who I've just started to get to know decided to unload about her long-distance relationship. Reminds me of high school when I had several girls who regularly filled me in how awful their boyfriends treated them ....


Mmm... = )

Extravagance's picture

I wouldn't mind being regularly "filled in" by several girls, whether they had strap-ons or natural penises. ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Gee, I was sure....

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Gee, I was sure I saw a tag here somewhere [ "Dorothy Colleen" "free advice-giver" ], I can't find it now, some one must have hid it!

Dear Ann Landers...

I have been the person since I was a teenager that people I know come to when they want someone to listen to their problems. As a teenage boy, that can be quite uncomfortable. At my present age of 51 I just listen and if I can help I do.