"But its pink!"

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I seem to have acquired a "voice" whose sole purpose is to make me as girly and feminine as possible. For example, when I am at work, and I see some item that's been painted pink, I end up having an argument like this:

"We should get that. Its pink!"

"Cant afford it."

"But its pink!"

"I have one just like it."

"Not in pink!"

"Its not even something I can use!"

"But its pink!"

And on and on it goes.

I blame Jaci for this voice. Its gotta be her fault ....



It's not my fault....

However since you have already stolen my deserts I'll let it pass.



To *Giggle* was my first reaction.

To suggest you get some nice pink spray-paint is my second?



What am I going to do with the two of you ?? I thought maybe I had slowed this down a little last night by taking dessert from both of you.UM UM UM.Please my children slow your squabbling a little and just love one another as I know you both do.... If not then the next step will be a hind-end warming from Papa's big old work hardend hand,and that would probably break my heart to have to do, so please dont call me on this one as I am not bluffing. That dont mean I dont love my girls .

I got pink sneakers.

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

That gets a few weird looks however since I am not exactly presenting as a girl.


I wanted to get some but wasn't brave... so I took my old white runners and coloured them in with markers so they are now purple.

I probably get just as many strange looks for different reasons? Or people just assuming that I am both weird /and/ bored.



janet_L.'s picture

At the very first gun show I went to as Janet I came upon a very high quality pocket knife with a bright pink handle.

It was expensive, being made of exotic stainless tool steel, but It was PINK!

I also figured that any guy borrowing my pocket knife would be quite prompt in bringing it back. . .

- Janet.