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I doubt even Jared and company suspected they had suicide implants.

Humanity, you gotta love it.

Never saw that one coming

Amethyst's picture

I doubt Eric knew about the that little feature of his tracker and now the colonists are rid of him.

As you can probably tell oftentimes I am not humanity's greatest fan


Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3


Why was the ending something you could expect, given the way the 4 prisoners have acted?

Interesting to see the slip make its way onto the scene. It will be fun to see how much communication will actually be possible, given time.

And Seussfish. I love the person who came up with that one.

Xia is doing really well delegating things out and taking the lead as the de facto leader of the community. Now hopefully she gets some needed downtime.

Thanks for the continuation.

One down four to go...

Amethyst's picture

it seems. We'll see what happens to the other prisoners as the story progresses.

The slips are going to make things interesting as while not sentient they are very intelligent and empathy may make communication with them possible to some degree.

Like Xia said, I'd buy the guy who named the Seussfish a drink. I was laughing my ass off when that idea came to me :)

Xia does need a good rest but she wants to make sure that the colonists are cared for to some degree before she allows herself that luxury. She's just that kind of person, but she has a good team to support her.

I'm glad you're enjoying it and I'll try to keep doing what I'm doing to make it an entertaining read.


Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Too bad they don't have six legs

TheCropredyKid's picture

The slips are going to make things interesting as while not sentient they are very intelligent and empathy may make communication with them possible to some degree.




An enjoyable continuation.

Interesting about the slip, though. It was chasing after a rodent, presumably for a potential meal, before settling for the tree sap and the small piece of ration bar Xia offered. And it thinks it owns Xia. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I'm wondering if those "pronounced canines" (aka fangs) were going to be headed Xia's way while she slept -- and how safe Amy is with her now. It may be fortunate that Amy's still on the hospital ship.



Amethyst's picture

They are indeed onmivores. If it was going to try and eat Xia or anyone it had plenty of opportunity to try while she was holding it. And Tarek is in the room with Amy and the slip in case it did try something. We'll see what happens though.




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

It is possible

that the slips were domesticated by the people who once lived there. The slips just happened to be small enough to survive whie most of the other larger life died. I'm worrying more than ever about who that device signaled. For it to kill Eric like that I'm very concerned for our castaways!
Very nice chapter.


Amethyst's picture

are a tough breed to survive the destruction there are some larger species but they aren't near as adaptable as the slips are. The people who rigged that device will be trying to trace that signal sooner or later and it might just mean trouble for our survivors. They've shown very little in the way of morals thus far after all.




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

I have to wonder

if that little chip is still in working order? If it is then I think I would take it into space and drop it off onto an asteroid or something so that it would lead others onto a wild goose chase.

The Slip is cute!


It's possible that it isn't

Amethyst's picture

but just as possible that it is, all the more reason for the engineers to have a look and see what they're dealing with. Xia will figure out something to do either way. She doesn't much trust Earth and won't risk them getting a chance to take Unity away from it's rightful founders.

I love the slip, coming up with interesting creatures is always half the fun of creating any new world or universe.




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Eric's death not surprising.

Sounds like his handlers were pretty sleazy.

These poor people are in such a pickle. Thank you for this episode.



Amethyst's picture

The people he was working for are not very nice.

Our castaways are in a bit of a sticky wicket, but things are looking up with some of the things they had on the ship.




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Device Implant

if the device is some sort of subsace tracking device as eric said if its still working ? i would try to see if had the tools try to repurpose the device to try and contact the Saer'khi home world to try and alert them to the situation and try to get some much needed help if possiable

A lavender weasel-cat? Awww

A lavender weasel-cat? Awww that does sound cute until the time it tries to bite my face off.
I am guessing that Xia is right and they were domesticated as a species since it seems really calm in the face of affection from others.

Then again maybe Xia's empathy just assured it that she was a pet it could trust.

And if the chip is still transmitting would it be possible to hook it into some sort of communicator to transmit back to saer'khi?

Hmmm no probably not because it's the signal being scanned, not a message. Besides the chip just sends data rather than receiving it, so it would be the facilities on earth trying to track it.


The implant

Amethyst's picture

basically just emits a tracking signal and we'll see later whether the engineers can figure out a way to use it for another purpose or if it's even still working after the kill command was issued.

It's possible they were domesticated or that their inherent empathy allowed it to see that Xia was *safe* and that the people were being affectionate and meant it no hard. It's even possible that it's due to the way she tried to soothe it like the Saer bees, we'll have to wait and see ;)




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

I see our band of castaways......

Are starting to work together toward a common goal, Survival! (LOL!). Oh lookie see, another cute & cuddly creature! Just like in another favorite story mine your writing (Giggles profusely!). Xia is really showing signs of true leadership! Lovely chapter amethyst dear. Loving Hugs Talia


Amethyst's picture

is a good incentive and it's really bringing our castaways closer together.

When I was researching extinction level events I discovered that only some hardier insects and fish, small burrowing animals or subterranean species and perhaps a few other creatures built for survival would make it through. I thought, 'hey this is a bonus I won't have to create many indigenous species'. So I concentrated on two really tough insects, some fish, and a few other things. When I got to the other things the small burrowing animals gave me the urge to create something cute and cuddly, because you know I do love the cute and cuddly creatures.

Xia really is coming into her own as a leader for these people and little things like what she did with Kyle make a huge difference to these people who really need a leader and a little hope right now.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Exactly who wants the new planet?

Jamie Lee's picture

Finding that little creature might be a windfall in time. It may be that little guy becomes an early warning system if something nasty comes their way.

Eric said the new planet was to be claimed for America, but who in America? If it had been a legitimate Government group, would they have trap that chip with a neuro toxin? That toxin makes it possible to believe it wasn't a legitimate Government group. But, what to do with Eric has been taken out of their hands.

Others have feelings too.


Hi there Amethyst,

This a pretty good story. Good enough that this is at least my third pass through it.

Thank you for your service.

So this time I noticed something that I missed previously, and decided to say something about it.

By that time Sarah and the others had a list of the supplies aboard the personnel ship as well. We had available two nanite construction kits, which I figured we would hold in reserve for an emergency.

Most people, including really good SF writers like you, do not actually understand nanotechnology.

The most important thing about nanotechnology is something labeled as a 'molecular assembler'. This would be similar in some ways to the 'nanite construction kit' in your story.

But the thing about a molecular assembler is that it can build anything (as long as that 'thing' is allowed by the laws of physics, of course.)

If you have an actual molecular assembler, the very first thing you would want to make with it would be a molecular assembler.

Or perhaps two or three ... hundred ... assemblers. Obviously molecular assemblers are allowed by the laws of physics, because you have one in front of you that you are using to build another one.

NOTE - since a molecular assembler can build anything allowed by the laws of physics, it is automatically the functional equivalent of a cloning chamber.

Or any other cool device you can think of.

You know your stuff

Amethyst's picture

I did a lot of research on various subjects and I did envision the nano-contruction kits as a limited sort of molecular assembler, but with various pre-programmed options for types of buildings useful to a colony to make them easier to use in a situation such as the one on Unity. They would have had some for specifically for general use buildings, some for factories or mineral extraction, and some for a variety of other purposes. They could of course change these or add other types of buildings or things like a factory for other molecular assemblers, but they would have to have someone familiar with nano-programming and the actual physical designs of buildings and/or devices to add these extra options or reprogram them, and none of her crew really had that expertise. Normally they probably would have had a Saer'khi with those type of skills with them, but their circumstances weren't normal.

There is also the matter of materials. Nanites in this story were created by the Saer'khi and it was a new technology to them, so I tried to take an alien viewpoint on much of their tech, including nanites. They don't actually make things from nanites themselves to build or create matter from seemingly nothing or alter molecular structures from one thing to another, they are merely there to shift matter that is already there into the proper configuration and they need to have the right materials available for certain things, you can't make steel beams with no iron. Most of the pre-programmed buildings would be made of fairly easy to acquire materials such as stone and/or wood.

So while they can create anything allowed by the laws of physics, the nanites need to be both programmed with the right set of blueprints and have the proper materials available to do it. I did it this way to avoid hand-wavium like the replicators in Star Trek.

*big hugs*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

The curse of a "magpie mind"

TheCropredyKid's picture

two crates of shovels, one crate of axes, two crates of nails, five crates containing four tool kits each, nine plasma torches, twenty-three crates of thermal cloth jumpsuits, fourteen crates of cotton cloth, needles and thread, five environmental suits, and while the three cases of thermal wrap

I can't help it:

we had one million bags of the best sligo rags
we had two million barrels of stone
we had three million sides of old blind horses hides
we had four million barrels of bones
we had five million hogs
and six million dogs
seven million barrels of porter
we had eight million bales of old nanny-goats' tails
in the hold of the irish rover


Space cat

Reminds me of honour Harrington s nimitz that species turned out to be sentient telepathy

Love this as all I have read of your spinning