
Small donations make big contributions

No one must sacrifice everything just to make a donation. It would be wrong to give one's meal ticket if it meant they had to do without. But that is what I'm going to suggest. Daddy always told me to watch the pennies because the dollars will take care of themselves. Give that one some thought. Daddy was a very smart person. BCTS has a physical address (mailing address) listed. If one could drop five dollars in an envelope and send it. If you don't think it counts, think again. It counts very very much. Add the numbers and say a hundred people do the same. Are we getting there?


Comes in Threes

Selected for jury duty. I was laughing as I read I had been summoned for jury duty and when I had to report to the court house. Called the court clerk and explained my circumstances and told her I would be more than pleased to attend. Although I believe I have an excellent sense of fashion I would be bringing the past X number of years of medical files in my briefcase. I'm sure the judge and lawyers wouldn't be pleased.


Crisis averted

OK, false alarm.

I check a graphic heavy story (One Dozen Roses) and found all the graphics in place. That means they were still where they were supposed to be. So I poked around in the insert picture routine and found that some how Drupal had sent my search to the wrong folder. Sorry for crying wolf. Who knew there was more than one folder.????

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HELP!!!! BCTS Techies; My pictures have disappeared.

HELP! Just now I was trying to insert a picture in a PM. When I tried to preview the message, the message disappeared and when I tried to reconstruct it, all but three of my pictures have disappeared.

Is there any way to get them back? There are a lot of them that need to appear in current stories, both mine and other authors.

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A line from a book I was reading really hit me tonight.......

“It’s true that love can be hard on a person—the act of loving someone the way they need to be loved instead of how you want to love them, I mean. It takes a lot of effort to make someone else’s desires and troubles your own. You have to want it more than anything. And you have to want it whether they notice or not. Because that’s the nature of the thing: to care so much that it doesn’t matter if they ever reciprocate. If you really feel that way, you can’t hurt them. You just can’t. And when they hurt you, you forget it right away.”

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Gone, but not forgotten, yet?

Gone, but not forgotten, yet?

There are a few websites that have ceased to function in my Bookmarks, my question is, are they gone permanently?

Bev's Balcony
Sapphire's Place
I Know, I Know, but... (Joy Phillip's site)

Just wondering if I should delete them, so if anyone can confirm they are officially history, it would be appreciated.
Loving Hugs, Talia (Taarpa)


The follies of my youth come home to roost........

The past several weeks have been......... well, let’s say interesting. You remember the old Chinese curse about living in interesting times? Yeah......... interesting.

A few years ago I noticed a mole on the back of my left shoulder, just above the scapula. It was unfortunately in a location that was visible in certain styles of clothing (annoyingly and unflatteringly so), and over time it became large enough that it occasionally caught on my bra strap or rubbed on my clothing uncomfortably.

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Looking for a story

I'm looking for a story that I read on here some time ago but I never thought to book market.

The story begins as always with a young boy who happens to be the town Tara who lives with his grandparents that just doesn't care. The Grandparents win in a vacation somewhere and leaves him with the next door neighbour and their daughter. Down to the fact of their daughter leaves her underwear in her dressing jacket and he has none decides to put it on and find that out who he really is.


looking for a story again

I am looking for a story that I read a few years ago. I cant remember the name of the main charter but it had to do with a kid in school that was kidnapped by some jocks and transformed into a girl so that one of the jocks had a girl to take to the prom. I believe they were on the football team. They even made it so he could not talk with some kind of glue to his lips. I hope that is enough information to find this story. I also dont remember if i read it hear or on FM. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Techie question

My granddaughter gave her old laptop to her aunt. It's an Asus D550M. My granddaughter hasn't used the computer in over a year. When I fired it up to do the setup for the new owner, I kicked me to the Bios Screen and I found the battery was so low the clock had lost its time keeping. So I set it the time and date. I was then able to get into the computer, not thinking about what was going to happen when I restarted the computer. I uninstalled a program and it wanted to restart the computer.

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Which Bathroom

It seems every politician wants to pass some law to force everyone else into compliance as herd animals. Too many of us don't fit in with the herd no matter how many laws are passed. Let's begin the story. Trip to OKC and my change from the Women's Clinic to a Gender Clinic. Had met several of the staff from other clinics. Seems as if anything LBGT is pretty fluid with healthcare providers covering a wide expanse of offices and clinics weekly. Remind me to NOT change in the future. The paperwork is a killer and X years of past records fills a large binder.

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Cloudflare DDoS routing has broken the @Voice Aloud Reader on my Android Tablet

The Cloudflare page that BCTS is being routed through has broken my @Voice Aloud Reader (text to speech) on my Samsung Android tablet. I can route to and read the stories on BCTS using my eyes just fine, but when I select a story to be read with @Voice Aloud Reader, the text from the Cloudflare page is what gets sent to the @Voice Aloud Reader app. I've tried clearing the history in the browser I'm using (Chrome) with no change/improvement.

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I’m afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it.

You ever have one of those days? One of those days where you can feel things slipping through the fingers of your mind? Where you can feel the wheels just spinning apart? Yeah........

“I’m afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it.” Kubrick’s HAL said it for me....... yep Dave, I can feel it and I’m afraid.

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Writers Block

So, I found some poetry that I wrote last year, and it lit a spark to write more, and I have an idea for a story!

My question is : I'm toying with including song lyrics at the beginning of each chapter, but am not sure on the best way to format it. I was thinking of doing it as part of chapter titles, similar to a subtitle. Or using it to start the beginning of each chapter. I want to use it to draw readers in.

If anyone has ideas...

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Missing friends and acquaintances........

Between working remotely (the recent snow storm to hit the east coast resulted in our offices being closed for the past two days) and clearing snow, I starting thinking about the friends and acquaintances I haven’t or heard from in the past year. We are coming up on 12 months since the pandemic hit the shutdown phase, and we began to lose track of a lot of people.

This was really pointed out to me as I was looking for a story to read this evening. While going through my bookmarks, I noticed several stories by Elsbeth.


Going through pockets

As I was saying, I was going through some pockets the past couple weeks. Time are tough and it was slim pickings let me tell yuh. Receipts and lint coming up for most of my trouble. Getting harder to get into other people's pockets anyway. Like the lady who was looking through the cans of sweet peas and her purse was in the cart. It was open and her billfold was there for the taking. Acting innocent I looked up to dispel suspicion and we wus right under a security camera. It was a setup to catch thieves. There just aint no honor among honest folk any more.


Story finding help

I recently went through and reread all the Nena stories by Maddy Bell. I enjoyed the reread but some place in the back of my mind, I vaguely remember a cross over between Nena and Gabby or at least a cameo by Nena in a Gabby story or chapter. It was probably in some of the earlier stories.

Anyone got any suggestions?

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