
Going through pockets

As I was saying, I was going through some pockets the past couple weeks. Time are tough and it was slim pickings let me tell yuh. Receipts and lint coming up for most of my trouble. Getting harder to get into other people's pockets anyway. Like the lady who was looking through the cans of sweet peas and her purse was in the cart. It was open and her billfold was there for the taking. Acting innocent I looked up to dispel suspicion and we wus right under a security camera. It was a setup to catch thieves. There just aint no honor among honest folk any more.


Story finding help

I recently went through and reread all the Nena stories by Maddy Bell. I enjoyed the reread but some place in the back of my mind, I vaguely remember a cross over between Nena and Gabby or at least a cameo by Nena in a Gabby story or chapter. It was probably in some of the earlier stories.

Anyone got any suggestions?

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Hey Guys

I was wondering if anyone knew if these couple authors were still active or not. Zoe Taylor, Ashley McGreagor, Dark Kitten of the "Becoming Robin" series and spinoffs. And Susan Brown of the "Home Alone" series? Oh, and Jennifer Sue of A Summer's Odessy"?
I've recently downloaded the books on Kindle, and reread them, but all stories hinted at more to come.

Like I said I was wondering if anyone knew if they were still active or not?


Attn: "One Dozen Roses" readers and those contemplating reading it.

Here is a Table of Contents that you can use to access individual stories within "One Dozen Roses" without finding the original post.

I encourage you to send the authors a message (link provided at the end of each story) for each story you liked, even if you just say, "kudos".

One Dozen Roses

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Windows 10 is Spyware

Two years earlier I purchased a new Win 10 disk from a German company in case my computer ever tossed its cookies. The unwanted upgrade MS Win 10 did on me several weeks back wiped all my files and programs. To say I was pissed is an understatement of huge proportions. Years of valuable data I had that can't be replaced was lost. Years of important and valuable email contacts scrubbed. Thousand dollar software programs scrubbed along with all the data they had cached. Basically MS wiped five years of research and hard work with that upgrade.


It's complete I say; COMPLETE.

Posting author oversight corrected.

To all who may have declined to read One Dozen Roses

I apologize for failing to tag it as complete. It is indeed complete and is now tagged as such.

Again a reminder One Dozen Roses has an interactive Table of Contents. You can read one story at a time and go back to it and jump to the next story by clicking on the title of the next story. Try it here.

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Fashion Advice

Can a mature woman (60+) wear embroidered jeans?!?

If you have slim legs at (60+) can you wear skinny jeans?!?

can you also wear platform wedges (6 inch w/ 1.5 inch platforms)?!?

Is a 6 inch heel w/ 1.5 inch platform cause a similar strain on a foot as a 4.5
inch heel with no platform?!?


Just an idea

Had another thought. (I know that's scary in and of itself) It has now been about 7 years since Ellen has posted anything to Tuck. I have sent her emails, and left requests for contacts in a couple of places. I did not know her, outside of her writings and a couple of contacts by email, and as cantankerous as she could be, could have just blown me off. BUT, that's a long time to not even leave an update. She and her SO had split after many years and her health was not on the top line. I am truly surprised her site is still up and running.

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Kitsune adoption

Does anyone have a copy of Kaho's "A little fox tale"? It is not completely archived and was removed from BigCloset. I saw a blog where SammieT asked for it and TheAkashicTraveller replied that they had a copy. I asked because I cannot find it anywhere and it seems the new version was never finished. If you are TheAkashicTraveller and have the story I would thank you if you PM or if you send it to my email [email protected]


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I want to take a few moments to say thank you to the authors (in no special order) who participated in the production of One Dozen Roses. First and foremost, I’d like to thank Melanie E. (AKA Rasufelle) for recruiting us into this fun and challenging project. One Dozen Roses was her brain child.

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One Dozen Roses will have an Interactive Table of Contents


One Dozen Roses is 36,046 words long. Don't let that deter you. No need to read it all in one setting.

Each story is somewhere between 2000 words and 5000 words. It is possible to read one story at a time, close the file, come back and use the Table of Contents to jump to the next story.

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Audio Recording

Back in the dark ages did some voice recording. We won't call it singing. Almost three months ago I lost my voice, my lung capacity, my taste, smell was off too. FYI read where a lady had three tests for the covid and all negative but she knew she had it. Finally her doc agreed even with negative tests. After starting treatment the test came back positive. I only had two negative tests and no medical help getting over it besides home monitoring by my doc. Over two weeks of running an elevated fever, lack of lung capacity, and I finally passed the hump.


A challenge

I have been involved with numerous authors on a soon to be released, "A dozen Roses".

I challenge each of you to pick a favorite character and commit to letting the author know through a comment or PM.

Note you don't have to limit yourself to only one. You will have 13 characters to choose from. Why a baker"s dozen? l'll leave that for you to figure out.

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Jingle Bells

Jingle all the way!--break-->

So the second week of Advent has seen slightly more settled weather hereabouts, mostly dry and even a spot of sunshine! I've had my first Chrimbo card, from my Grandson (well Mummy had to do the writing bit), I just have to work out how to get his presents up to Yorkshire - there are so many! I think I have a plan, do you think the USS Enterprezzie will be able to do the honours?

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Looking for a story

While listening to Terry Goodkind's "The Nicci Chronicles #1" sequel to his "Sword of Truth" series something was said about misunderstanding, misconception, misinterpretation or misperception of information, what is not important

I'm pretty sure that the story was here at BCTS

Story:- Fantasy, involves magic and mythical beings
Setting:- Modern World (I think)

Scene:- Protagonist's elder sibling jumps in front of the attack of the younger and gets hit

paraphrased dialogue

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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A World of MicroSoft Pain

Credit card notification on a Friday afternoon it was being used. Okay, try and get hold of any help on the weekend, not happening. It's through my bank so I stopped in Monday morning to see what they could find out. Dozens of ten dollars charges were being constantly added to it constantly. Why ten dollars? The date and the security code isn't required if the purchase is under ten dollars. Same reason for the Friday afternoon beginning of the hits. They had the card number but not the security numbers or the date.



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