
Chapter 4 the test:Lolita tea party


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They gently took me by the hand and went down into a private elevator. “The test is simple, we put you into a magic like hologram world. You will be playing specific characters and we will score you based on it. While it may be a hologram world it will look and feel real.” I was confused thinking how advanced technology that would mean. Soon however we entered a girly looking laboratory and I was asked to step into a massive looking dome. The inside was blank but I could tell it wouldn’t be for long. The queens sat at control panels and I heard the words “let the test begin”

Chapter 1: the new town

Young girly boy max and his mother Cynthia, a tycoon worth untold amounts of money move to the town of alisonvile where things seemed perfect, but strange, for instance there were no boys or even tomboys every girl seemed the picture of femininity. However there was a secret to the town.

(Based on the Stepford wives)

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