CAUTION- IDENTITY DEATH (But she gets better)

Assimilate This! (2 of 5: Borg)

The moment that tractor beam hit our little ship we knew our fate was sealed. My moms and I had been abducted by the most feared beings in the galaxy, merciless creatures who saw us as nothing more than raw materials for their quest to turn everybody, everywhere into what they were. The drones ignored my screams as they replaced my left eye with a more efficient visual apparatus, then replaced other parts of me with tools suited to the tasks I had been assigned to perform. Wires snaked into my brain, and when my mind was linked to the collective I wasn't me anymore. I was no longer anyone.

But I'll say one thing for being turned into a Borg, it did eliminate my gender dysphoria for more than years. When you're nothing but a component with the designation 13-of-13 gender identity is irrelevant...


A story in the STAR TREK universe
Laika Pupkino ~ 2023


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