Don't Be Afraid

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Blog About: 

There have been about 30 contests promoted on this site since I came here. I joined in June 2007 and I had never written a story in my life!
I very nervously submitted my first about a year later and I didn't get laughed out of court, but I still wasn't very confident. Then along came a contest for All Souls Day in October 2008. I had absolutely no intention of entering this contest, but a few of my friends told me I should have a go. I had all sorts of reasons not to do it, but mainly fear of rejection and a lack of confidence in my writing ability. To add to this I had computer problems and lost my first draft, so I didn't think I could get an entry up in time.

I all but gave up on the idea until I was struck by a bolt of lightning, or one of those cartoon lightbulbs went off in my head. I actually sat down and wrote my story in seven hours and sent it to a friend to vet. She came back and said it was good enough as it was so I posted Chinese Style (shameless plug! That story is still one of my personal favourites). I didn't win the contest but I got such positive feedback that I was encouraged to keep writing and to enter future contests. My confidence improved out of sight.

Well, I entered a number of them over the next three years and I didn't win any but I got favourable comments and more encouragement to continue. One thing I found was that I ENJOYED doing it! Eventually along came the Summer Romance contest in June 2011 and I submitted I'm Not Sure I Can Do This (another shameless plug). The judging was a bit different in that the result was decided by vote of the readership (kudos if you like)...and lo and behold....I WON! What this meant was that I was not necessarily the best or most skilled author who entered but most readers liked my story, so sometimes you just hit the right notes.

There have been many more contests since then and I haven't won any, but I do enter when I find the right mental buttons to press, And I still enjoy them. It's great to read what others write and there are real diamonds amongst the entries.

Now I'm encouraging all of you out there, new writers, old writers, in-between writers and especially those of you who haven't yet written or maybe only a first couple of efforts, to have a go. Especially those of you who have commented and maybe think "I could do that!"

The answer is "You Can!" If I could do it, so can you. As George W. Bush said, you don't have to be an A-student!

So! Another shameless plug. Please enter our 2024 New Year's Contest. I guarantee you will enjoy it. You will be amazed at the support you get, even if you don't win, and there's always next time.


Approached by Publishers

I've heard about authors with hidden talent being approached by publishers and have vainly hoped that would happen to me. That was a long time ago, and sadly I do not appear to have that sort of talent. I've also wished that I was super intelligent but ...Just have to get over myself.


It's OK, Gwen

joannebarbarella's picture

Neither have I! We live with what we have.

ah no

lisa charlene's picture

sorry but i have zero talent when it comes to writing .unless were talking about music or lyrics .put a sax in my hands and im all over it we each have out talents ill just keep reading all the wonderful storys that you all create and stick to music for my creative talent.


tmf's picture

Isn't lyrics a form of story telling.?

Hugs and Love tmf

Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
Hope & Health

"... no intention of entering this contest ..."

It was "Take Your Daughter To Work Day".

I thought "no way can I write such a story". That was my thinking most of the way through the Contest.

What I >thought< I was doing was doing was commenting on Rosemary's, by offering even more "campy" Hollywood horror movie 'tropes' ...

I blinked, looked again at my bit of silliness ... Wait! my comment is one tweak away from a story!

And so was born my First Story (!) here,

Hey, if joannebarbarella can plug her good stuff, I can plug my beginner's stuff ...



joannebarbarella's picture

You're a long way from being a beginner!

Dot! You Can Enter

joannebarbarella's picture

You've got the talent. You've proved that over and over again.

There are nearly three weeks before the contest begins and it's open for more than six weeks, so put down a trail of chocolate-drops for your muse to follow and come and help us out,


Dorothy, Wikipedia tells us there are at least two ...

... enticers that are special, personalized just for your Muse.

My mind: *bouncing ... bouncing ... bouncing*

--> "E. T. Write Home ... c/o Dorothy"

=== ===
Somebody just stop me. Please. I do >research< for my 'throwaway' comments ...