BarbieLee's blog

HD coming with shingling

The majority won't understand what this is about. Some will. This is for those few. WD and a few other HD mfg are adding shingling to some of their drives. It's raising havoc with the RAID build. This drive will work as a stand alone in a personal computer. It won't work in a mirrored array. I doubt it could even be cloned and used that way as it does not work well or get along with normal drives. If none of this makes sense, ignore it, you aren't one of those who will be running into problems with these HDs. What ticks me off is the companies weren't informing the buyers.



I'm not sure how many authors were writing to BCTS twenty years ago (yr 2000). Can't even guess how many are here now. What I can observe is there are a whole passel of new authors posting stories. That said, let me say this one more time as I have explained many times before. If you are writing strictly for the knudos and comments, I wish you lots of luck. You are more than likely going to be disappointed. Trying to drive this home to you authors is like giving advice on how to drive to someone who has been driving for years. It doesn't register.


BCTS, Malwarebytes, Ramblings

Gwen's comment about Malwarebytes brought a response but then it kept going and I couldn't stop so I am dropping my own blog.
Coincidence it updated one night ago? It hasn't ever flagged BCTS on my computer. One of the other virus protectors gets over exuberant at times but again BCTS isn't running a bunch of free loading cookies. The girls are running the cleanest web site on the net as far as I can tell.


This is about all of US, Those who support us

Several weeks back I wrote about the trip down to OKC to the Clinic and then the problems at Costco. Two days later when I returned everyone was more than helpful and accepting. Made the trip to Amarillo today. The weather was a bitch! Sheet ice on the highway. couldn't see the lines as the whole thing was covered and it was all black except the bar ditches and fields covered in snow. Growl strips are on both sides of the Interstate and I was trying out both sides trying to find the highway. A kazillion semis were out there too. It was so foggy, two car lengths ahead was total white out.


Possible World Wide Recognition as author or for publishing

BCTS this includes any of those you're publishing.

Calling all Indies! It's time to enter the biggest and best book awards contest on the planet!
Independent Publisher Book Awards Update
Independent Publisher Book Awards
Final Entry Countdown -
just 30 days left to enter
"You can't win, if you don't get in!"
It's time to enter your award-worthy books in the biggest and best book awards contest on the planet, "for independent authors and publishers only." $95 per category entry and just $55 to add a regional or ebook category.

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The tens of thousands involved in making a movie

The actors, actresses on the big screen are a very small part of the people necessary in making a movie.
Let's not forget the setting (stage and props) very well runs into millions
The equipment, not only the cameras, the booms, lifts, the cranes, mobile homes, trucks, campers, etc.
Food, oh yes, the staff, actors, extras, and kitchen personnel need food and refreshments
Someone said every movie, especially the major movies are a city unto themselves. I think they are more a blend of corporate business, industry, and the working class.


Colorado Birth certificate update

First and foremost I wish to apologize to everyone on this site for spamming the blog links. I wish there was another place to post where most would see it. But if most are like me, they never wander past the Home Page.
Okay, I thought this was appropriate because of the readers on this site may be interested in what has been accomplished even if they weren't born in Colorado.
Colorado Allows Transgender Residents ‘New’ Birth Certificate, No Surgery Required


Audio Books, be warned

Received an email from a company who supposedly promotes books for authors and publishing companies who don't have the means or manpower to do it themselves. There are Book Fairs in Germany and India among many others where the larger publishing companies, and the book store chains bid on the book, bid on owing the writer's rights to all his her stories, legal right to distribution in a certain area, a nation, or world wide. The choices are endless and of course so are the prices the bidders offer for each selection.

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Thank you to BCTS staff and readers

First, thank you to all those who not only keep BCTS up and running but all those who support BCTS with their donations of monetary, their stories and their time. For some reason I found a home here reading all the great authors who are actually better than anything I ever read coming from NYT Best Seller list. If we had only a few of those authors on our list of writers, I have no doubt the publishing company would be putting out top selling stories month after month. I'm so glad they have found an outlet for their exceptional writing talents.


A voice of buttered honey

Not everyone appreciates Opera, I'm one of those people. Not everyone appreciates Heavy Metal Bands, Yep that's me again. There are so many singers (vocalists) who if they didn't have a band drowning them out, or an electronic studio smoothing out, remixing; and just generally at least change their screeching into something reasonable as human speech; they would never make it outside the sleaze joints where everyone became too drunk to care. I know it's sacrilegious but I only like two of Elvis songs and one of Michael Jackson.


Never Quit Seeking

The VA has trans support, kinda, sorta. Sometimes it might be just a title. I actually love every single person, doctors, nurses, staff, I have dealt with at the VA. There is a caveat there. The VA rotates doctors as they move, retire, etc. I had excellent doctors until one of those rotations. The doctor I was assigned was a hard core major in the service. She never said anything offensive, however she acted like I was something she picked up on her boots on the walk through the cow lot after she found out I was trans.


Yahoo is closing their groups

Everyone should know ASAP that Yahoo is shutting down their groups part of their web. Pretty short notice. There is a site telling everyone how to save all their data if they wish. I suggest one get after it if they have anything they wish to save. Personally I have nineteen years of posting to various groups and picking up information from individuals not found anywhere else.


For Every Writer and Reader

Never liked serials when I was little. All the continued stories on radio, yes I'm that old, and later on TV were a turn off. Growing up on a farm, there were never any given spare hours where a continued could be picked up "next week". Thus I grew up hating continued stories with more than a little emotional passion and it never left as I grew up and older. My SO had the same experience and the same disgust for serials. The only exceptions were those that tied a knot on each chapter, each TV show where if it ended there, it was complete. "NCIS" Even that story grew old after a year.

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Most of us aren't raving beauty queens

Down at the Women's Trust Center this morning for checkup. Come to think of it, I didn't get "ma'am" one time while I was there. Okay, in all fairness they used Barbie to address me. All women so..., Let's see, at the restaurant, Best Buy, and Costco it was ma'am. I'm wearing jeans, big ol cowboy belt and big silver buckle, boots black cowgirl felt hat. Okay, a gold satin blouse and I'm a solid 34 C


MtF possible no matter what size one comes in

Watching a video yesterday of one of the most amazing transformations of a woman finally achieving what had been driving her, all her life. Like many from an early age she did everything macho to deny the girl and prove she was a man's man. All well and good until the girl inside said enough is enough. Let me drive and I'll bring peace and comfort to us both.


Refresh of Trump Fire All Transgender

This is referring once again to LadyDragon623's blog so it doesn't get too far down the line where no one notices it.
We bring up a lot suspicion, dislike and hate from so many people when we are less than one percent of the total population.
Have faith and heart, God loves us. That isn't heresy. I was there when I was sixteen.


Been Scammed

I've purchased meds overseas from Mexico, Taiwan, and India. Our blessed government has managed to put the squeeze on Mexico and Taiwan so they no longer ship meds to the U.S. I've never once been snake bit up until now. This week I was scammed by someone representing a large pharmaceutical company in India. Should have been leery when his email said the company couldn't accept PayPal, Credit Cards, or International Money Orders on orders below $2000 dollars. They could only accept Western Union Money Order Telegram.


MtF hormone cycles necessary?

In a TG social site one of the girls mentioned GG go through hormone cycles every month. Well duh, that's a give. She went on, the purpose was to give the estrogen receptors in their body a chance to reset. Otherwise the receptors become tired and accept less and less estrogen over time. Her next comment kind of caught me off guard. MtF transgender also need to take monthly breaks for the estrogen receptors to utilize the estrogen they are putting into their body.

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Girl? Boy? Gender Fluid

We do a lot of stories about the boy who can easily switch gender so he-she is recognized as she. Back in the late sixties and seventies a lot of boy bands were desperately trying to stand out from the crowd. Several ideas were tried by the different bands. High pitched voices, long hair of course, glitzy clothes that could be female, and to a lesser extent even full makeup. Most looked like long haired males. Some had me doing double, triple takes.


She married herself
If it fulfills her self esteem after two failed marriages and a five year boyfriend relationship which also failed..., why not? The funny part of this is I agree as this seemed to bring something into her life to help salvage her emotions. Wish I had been there. Might be another way to bring self respect to those who have lost it.
Too many lost to hate and suicide. Weighs on the soul.


Cutthroat Politics in the Publishing World

When I was in publishing, a NYT best seller was listed before it had even been written. Of course none of the major newspapers carried the story about the gaff. Among the independent publishers the story made the rounds but then we already knew publishing was as much political and who each publisher courted which book reviewer to get their books ranked at the top of everyone's list.



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